Ch.13|Ghost of the past|(season 1 end)

Start from the beginning

Gou was trying to help, he scowled in front of Jie and was ready to transform into his beast form, Jie appreciate it but knew that summoning a giant dog in the middle of the city was a bad idea.

Her thoughts somehow were now flying around MK, she couldn't help but wonder if the boy is alright. At the same time the words of his master were ringing in her head.

'Maybe...I'll just take a look?'

This one sentence evolved into an action, Jie sat comfortably as if she was meditating. She felt energy of every creature near her, but focused on MK's, when she found him she searched for the thing she calls 'vessel' and when she found it, she let her soul fly to it... that's a special technique used by most of fox demons, usually called possession.

The vessel Jie chose was a body of a bull clone which was just laying near them, by 'them' Jie meant MK, Iron Fan, Red Son and DBK.

In fact Jie was a little confused about who's the bad guy, since Iron Fan and her son were standing next to MK, Jie in fact noticed that something was wrong with DBK, she would see what if only she wasn't in the clones body. While possessing a vessel you can't use neither yours or theirs power, that's the main reason why Jie doesn't like this ability.

Still she watched the fight, in the moment that DBK grabbed MK she suddenly felt rising cold in her veins, but then the boy did something incredible! It turned out to be just a clone. Jie knew that it was something he learned from Monkey King, but she also remembered how MK was asking her for a few advices, since she used similar tricks. Somehow it made her kinda proud of him.
After that the fight went quickly, but as Jie was about to watch MK doing his final hit, she realised that a piece of rock was falling at her, dying in someone's else body was risky since it's harder for soul to return to it's original body this way, so she had no choice but return.

Once Jie was back in her house the first thing she did was look outside the window, she was walking outside relaxed while watching the bull clones fall down.

'Good job, Monkey boy' she praised him in her mind

Then she felt strange... the energy that was escaping from clones bodies... could it be...

",no,no...."Jie took a step back, her body started trembling, she felt cold sweat on her face"It's not you... you're dead'

As if the souls heard her, they started flowing around her, Jie couldn't even look at them, the fear rose up every second she felt this cold energy.

"Go away..."She muttered with her trembling lips

Her ears became filled with whispers, so many that she couldn't focus on one until it turned into one voice... a woman's voice.

"It doesn't matter how long or fast you'll run...destiny will always find you..."

After that all the energy disappeared as if it was never there, but Jie still felt it... the cold...


Jie's mind was so much troubled with memories that she didn't even notice when Wukong came, as he said, he came to check how was she doing and if her house was still standing.
Somehow Jie managed to calm down when he came.

"Glad that you didn't interfered in kid's fight"He said suddenly

Jie felt guilty all of the sudden

"Well actually..." she tried to apologise before her master find out

"Though I would be more happy if you didn't spy on him"

It was too late!

"Spy.. is a strong word master..." Jie tried to get out of this situation

Wukong only sighed loudly, somehow Jie thought that she saw disappointment on his face.

"The kid... he reminds me of someone, very dear to me..." She didn't know why she said it but seeing Wukong pay attention to her she continued "That's why I'm afraid that I might be more protective of him, I'll try to work on it"

As Jie analysed her master's face she saw... something new on his face, but whatever it was she couldn't read it.

"Don't worry. I'm not mad, in fact I'm more of grateful, I didn't expect DBK to gain such a power... for a moment I was afraid too" he said softly "You're an expert when it comes to energy, do you know when that one came from?"



'Or I wish I wouldn't...'

End of season 1

Hello guys! I'm so happy to announce that the first season of Fox Servant have come to an end! I'm grateful for all the support you gave me, all the mistakes you pointed out and help in translating!

What next?
Firstly I want to write one more chapter which will be an epilogue of season 1 and the preview of season 2. I'll be making corrects of chapters because I will publish them on Tumblr, in the meantime I will try to think of a script for season 2, I already have some ideas in my closet! As for the time in which the new season will be out I don't plan any date, it might take me a month or few, it depends on my personal life and the rest of my work. Those who don't follow me on Tumblr may not know but actually since valentines I'm working on a short comic, maybe I'll publish it on Wattpad when I'm done. I also have a lot of ideas for stories not related to LMK, so I will use the break to focus on them more. Stay in touch with my account for new informations, see you later!

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