Ch.12|An order is a goal|

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You know... When I agreed to become the servant of the great sage- Monkey king himself I had no idea...

"THAT I'D BE STUCK HERE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" Jie shouted irritated by the situation she was in. She was training for like a week now but still wasn't able to use Mirror Blade.
The fact that she was recently feeling dangerous aura in the city didn't help her to focus on learning, same as MK who was cracking walls for a few days now.

Jie's main training was based on meditation, finding the necessary peace in Wukong's cave was rather hard.

After some time Jie got used to it, it was always the same- the sound of crashing, complaining, advices and repeat.

But that day there was a new sound which Jie had long forgotten... silence. Which was quickly disturbed by Monkey King who throw his staff into the wall causing it to break, funny thing is that Jie was minding her business just a few inches away from the hole.

"Jie? What are you doing here?"her master asked "Aren't you supposed to like... study or something, perhaps you got lazy huh?"

"...lazy?...LAZY?!" Jie didn't even notice that she shouted it out "For weeks now I'm only trying to study and yet YOU are getting on my nerves and even calling me lazy, YOU?!"

Monkey King's first reaction was shock, but it wasn't the first time he got on someone's nerves.

"Ok, calm down for a moment-don't you think you're a little... impatient?"


The silent that came after Wukong's words was so tense that MK caught himself sweating.

'Unfortunately' right on time he got an important call from Mei.

"So... Its seems like there is a monster or something soooo maybe... I just...-OK BYE!" He announced and run away, he would prefer to fight every demon instead of staying there any second longer.

Jie slowly started moving after him.

"Wait! Where are you going!?"her master screamed when she was near the exit.

"I believe it's none of your business...master" She answered and then added a short and cold "I'll be back on Friday to clean up"

master" She answered and then added a short and cold "I'll be back on Friday to clean up"

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Two days passed since Jie had a fight with Wukong, by that time she thought she would feel calm again but even if she spent her time with Gou, like old times, she still felt irritated by her master's words.
On Friday she was supposed to go to the cave to clean it up, she promised to do so, but the thought of meeting that one monkey made her feel unpleasant. Normally she would apologise the first second but this time it was really important for her to stood her ground. Jie had a bad experience with demons who didn't let her speak for herself, by all means she wanted to prevent Wukong from acting this way towards her.

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