Ch.13|Ghost of the past|(season 1 end)

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„Go home, Kid"

MK was surprised by words that came from Jie's mouth, even Wukong was a little suspicious but he didn't say anything.

"Is something wrong?"MK asked suddenly feeling nervous

"I've got a feeling that something isn't right" Jie explained quickly with cold expression

MK decided to check his phone, the amount of missing calls from Mei was unbelievable!

"I NEED TO GO!!!" He ran away screaming

Jie looked at the exit of cave for a while with her tail shaking slightly, finally she made a deep breath and lifted her foot towards the outside.


As quickly as she heard her master Jie acted as if someone casted her into the stone.

"Master?" She tilted her head and looked at her master who was standing with his hands crossed and eyes closed.

"Jie..."He started making a step towards her"I appreciate that you've been helping MK, really"

He put his hand on her shoulder.

" But I want you to stop"

Jie's face stiffened, she gently shake off her master's hand from her shoulder and started tidying it from dust (as if it was there).

"Master, you're giving me a lot of strange orders" She sighed loudly "Last time you ordered me too protect the kid, remember?- and now I'm supposed to leave him in danger?"

Monkey King scratched the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh.

"I know-but hear me out!-I want him to learn a little bit of more... independence"Wukong explained as clearly as he could

Jie's glare was so intense that she could make a hole in her master's face.

Then her face relaxed a little
"As you wish Master..." She said slowly and decided to say something more "But I don't think that depending on others is a bad thing"

For a while both of them were quiet, then Wukong broke the silent

"Jie... I think you know very well that he won't always have someone to depend on"

She didn't answer, because she didn't have anything left to say. In fact she started to feel attached to the boy, she knew very well why, but she also knew how bad it was. Wukong probably saw it too, maybe that's why he decided to distance Jie from MK, if it was true then Jie was glad for that, better get rid of the sprout before it turns into a weed.

"If I may... I'll go anyway"

Wukong looked at her confused, so Jie had to add

"Because I need to protect my house and my dog"

Jie's worries about her home turned out to be true, since when she teleported there she saw a hoard of bull clones. Fortunately none of them entered the house, since Gou was protecting the doors, in fact the spell Jie used to protect her place also turned out to be useful.

In an instant Jie kicked one of the clones, the fact that they were stronger didn't escape her attention since the bull clone was still ably to fight her.

"Looks like you've gotten stronger... But do not think that it gives you the right to destroy my home!"


As soon as Jie was ably to go inside her house she felt so tired that she sat right next to doors. Since bull clones were coming from heavens know where, fighting didn't help, so Jie decided that a protection barrier will need to be enough, of course she also added some wooden planks to her doors and windows, just to make sure none of those creatures would enter.

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