This Poem Haunts

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I don't even know what the hell it means, it just keeps popping up around in my life. What makes it worse is that it is being chanted by children. In the wrong setting, those little fuckers can give a good scare.

I read it in the art section of the newspaper. It was a poem that won a first place prize at the local art museums poetry stand off. Some man, I thought was German, actually was just form London and moved to Berlin. 

I don't know why it keeps singing in my dreams like a chorus of children in the distance. It was easier to ignore, but as I've gotten older, I found the chants to be closer and louder.

I figured it must be the area I have been staying. I need to get the fuck out of here. I've been everywhere, but the one place I haven't been was back home. Not my first home, but the home where I was reborn, (home town or city) Maybe It would be a nice visit. I shouldn't be there too long. I'm just going there once more before I leave this poor ass country. Hell, maybe I'll move to Berlin too!

My sprees have slowed down since the chants been ringing in my mind. I can't work with that kind of distraction.

Even this morning I heard it again, like stomping boots in a meadow. Its harsh, but soft at the same time. 

Kinder und sterne küssen und verlieren sich

Greifen leise meine hand und führen mich

Die traumgötter brachten mich in eine landschaft

Schmetterlinge flatterten durch meine seele

I have to erase this- leave me alone!

Get out of my head!

make it stop~

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