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I walked into the cafeteria, then suddenly, my shoulder was shoved by a boy running past me. I turned to see Kokichi running down the hall away from the cafeteria. I turned to Kaede worried, "I'll be back." I quickly rushed after him.

"Kokichi!" I shout through the halls, searching for him. I heard a small cry coming from the janitor's closet. I felt a tinge of pain as I opened it to see Ouma crying on the floor of it. "Kokichi!" I gasped, getting down to his level. He covered his face with his hands, "What happened?! let's get out of this closet c'mon!" I tried to move him out, but he was still sobbing.

I struggled to find words to comfort him, I was never any good at that.. If only Kaede was here... I sighed, "Look- Kokichi... I'm here for you.. it's alright." I put a hand on his arm, speaking softer.

I paused for a second and he looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "I- I don't want you to see me like this.. You can't tell anyone, Shu- Shuichi..."

"Why would I do that?!" I gasped. "I just ... I just want you to be okay, you are my friend," I spoke shakily, not knowing how to reassure anyone. "What happened to you?"

"If you really want to know then ask Miu and her friends." He scoffed, wiping his tears. He plastered a smile across his cheeks, "Well that's that! I'm good! Anyways, I have to go eat my lunch, so I'll see you soon!" He got up.

"Kokichi you-" I got cut off by him walking past me as he descended down the school hall. "Why are you lying to me.." I whispered to myself. I sat there for a few minutes just thinking about what he said.. he's so odd. he was sobbing and then he just acts like he's okay!? it angered me a little bit if anything... but what angered me the most was whatever Miu and her friends did.

I marched out and back into the cafeteria, instantly darting my eyes to Miu. I stomped my way over to her, my fists clenching. I was upset. Was this something I was going to regret?

"Miu!" I shout.

"Ow! fucker! You yelled right in my ear!! What do you want!" she yapped in her annoying squeaky voice.

"I want to know what happened between you and Ouma!" I demanded of her.

She let out a cackle, "Between ME and Ouma?! Saihara you make me laugh!" She slapped her knee, standing up and crossing her arms, "I didn't do shit to that little abortion! All I did was fuck around with him a little, that's-"

"Don't you say that!" I yelled, "You are so immature." I grimaced at her, making her friends turn to me. Miu gave me a surprised look, "What did you say to him?!" I shout.

"I-.. All I did was bring up how his parents don't love him! I- I didn't think he would take it seriously!!!" She began to sweat and turned a bright red, she turned oddly submissive when I stood up to her.. That's just Miu I guess. Hm.. So I guess parents are a sensitive topic with him. I put a hand to my chin, pondering as to why.

"Don't do it again, or I won't wait to take the next step to make you stop." I smiled with a scary intent, She looked deeply disturbed.. Great! I walked off without another word, sitting down at my usual table.

Maki raised an eyebrow to me, "What's up with that..?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "I just didn't like how she was acting toward a friend." I said as I took out my bento. Kaede laughed a little in response.

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