We walk to some trailer and the guy slides the door open. We all walk in and face him as the boy in a chair turns around and stands up. He has pale skin, blond wavy hair, and blue eyes. He stands in front of us with a look of awe that we're standing in front of him. Isn't that?

"You gotta be kidding me," Chubs says in disbelief.

"Clancy Gray?" My sister asks confused. I look at the boy in front of us tilting my head to make sure I'm looking at the right person.

"I knew you weren't reformed," Chubs says shaking his head and looking at him up and down. I snicker a little bit and his head snaps in my direction and I quiet quickly and hide behind Ruby and Liam. Clancy laughs and looks at Chubs and walks toward him.

"You're Charles, right?" Clancy asks with a smile and Chubs smiles back and shakes his hand. Zu hides a little bit behind Charles but she smiles when Clancy looks at her. "And you must be Suzume, hey." Zu waves and I smile. He then turns to look at Liam in amazement. "And Liam Stewart, the hero who broke a hundred kids out of Caledonia." He then turns to us. Me and Ruby. "And how can I forget the Daly sisters, Ruby Daly one of the last remaining orange." He then looks over Ruby's shoulder to look at me and I keep my gaze low "And Y/N Daly, the only dual-powered kid that's ever been recorded," My eyes widen and I hide more behind Ruby. He knows too much, how does he know all this? 

"She's a bit shy," Ruby says holding my hand. "She doesn't talk much,"

"That's okay, it takes me a minute to warm up to people too. It's an honor to meet you and your sister." He then turns to all of us with a smile. "I'm honestly excited to meet all of you guys, You're all kinda legendary. You're so welcome," He smiles. "Now there's a lot to be done here and we could really use your guys' help. I'm thinking cabin 18," He says.

The boy who walked us in, I think his name is Mike, replied, "Yes sir.".

"Go get settled. We're gonna have some fun tonight," He says smiling, Zu waves bye and I just keep walking forward, I can feel his gaze on me. That dude is seriously creepy. And suspicious. 

Later that night everyone is dancing to music, and there are lights hung up. I sit near the fire and I look as the two lovebirds, Ruby and Liam sit together. I watch as Zu runs around with the new friends she made smiling and walks into the crowd of people dancing. I'm smiling at everything and everyone enjoying themselves. I watch Ruby and Liam laugh together and I immediately break into a smile as I watch them interact with one another. It's nice to see her being a normal teenager. Nice to be normal, to live normal.

Liam gets up and my sister declines him but he uses his telekinesis to pull her up from the bench and onto the dance floor. I laugh at what I just witnessed. I see Liam looks at me almost as if asking for permission. I nod my head as he gives me a grin. I watch as they get closer together and I smile. Ruby deserves this. To be happy for once. I smile as they get closer together and they start to hug each other closely, Ruby's face on his shoulder and Liam's chin on top of her head. Love birds. I roll my eyes as I smile. I feel someone sit next to me and look in the corner of my eye to see Clancy. My smile falters and I just look into the fire.

"You're very special Y/N, just like your sister." I roll my eyes at his words. I scoot away from him and pull my legs into my chest and keep looking at the campfire but really keeping an eye on the couple in front of me. "You deserve to be happy too Y/N," he scoots closer to me and shivers run up and down my spine. "I can help with that," He tries to put his arm around my waist and I immediately push him off of me getting up terrified. I shake my head disgusted with him and leave for the cabin. 

I get into one of the bunks and sit there hugging myself rocking myself to calm down. I watch as Ruby and Liam come in looking for something but I pay them no mind, caught up in what happened with Clancy Gray.

"Y/N?" I heard Ruby walk up to me worried "What happened," I waved her off but she looked at me unconvinced. "I know that look Y/N, what happened?" She asks sternly and I just shake my head.

"Hey," Liam touches my shoulder but I flinch away from him. He puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, hey, you can talk to us Y/N. We're here for you," I just continue to look at the ground rocking. I can feel their worried gazes on me but I can't help but still feel Clancy's hands on me. The way he looked at me. It's like I'm stuck in that moment and time.

"We'll stay with you then," I immediately shake my head at them.

"I-I'm o-okay," I whisper stuttering, trembling. 

"No. You're not okay, something happened. If you tell me what's wrong I'll fix it-" 

"No," I whispered to Liam cutting him off. I look at them both and smile at them reassuringly, "Go, f-fun." I tell them with a smile but I watch as they both shake my head and I roll my eyes. I touch both of their hands and my eyes glow orange. I'm okay, I'm just not used to new people. Have fun, be happy, and enjoy being teenagers for once. I'll be okay, I'm just gonna catch up on some sleep. I let go of their hands and turn over in the bed as I cover myself up closing my eyes trying to sleep. But it's hard to sleep when I only see him, Clancy Gray, and his horrific grin.

I feel someone brush my hair aside and I flinch. The hand stops but it continues to brush my curls aside, I feel a gentle kiss placed on my head as the hand continued to caress my head. "Goodnight Y/N, I'll see you in the morning." I hear Ruby say. I hear Liam and Ruby walk away, grateful that I was able to convince them that I was okay.

-Ruby's POV-

As Liam and I walk outside the cabin I take a deep breath looking at the glow in the distance at the party still going on.

"Something happened," Liam says and I shift my gaze to him. "She flinched at my touch, she flinched at your touch. I understand if she doesn't recognize the feeling of me after all we just started becoming closer, but she didn't recognize the touch of her sister. Something's wrong and something happened."

"I know, but she won't tell us. She does this, she hides things. So I don't worry."

"Well, now she's not the only person she's worrying," I watch as Liam walks up to me and places his hands on my biceps caressing them with a gentle expression on his face. "She's your sister, and she helped me out sometimes. I'm not letting you do this alone, you're not the only one looking out for her now." I smile at his words. Knowing that he cares.

"Thanks," I say softly looking into his eyes.

"No problem," He whispers. 

I start to get lost in his eyes and we stare at each other. I notice how he starts to lean and pull me closer to him, to the point our chests touch. Liam gets closer and closer and I turn away clearing my throat, causing him to stop.

"I should stay with Y/N. I think, I'm getting tired and I'm gonna have to call it for tonight,"

"Y-Yeah it is pretty late," Liam steps back looking at the stars in the sky awkwardly. "I should go um check in with Zu and Chubs, I'll see you in the morning?" He asks awkwardly. I laugh and nod my head.

"Goodnight Liam," I look him in the eyes with a soft smile and his lips turn up in a smirk.

"Goodnight Ruby," I turn around into the Cabin and sleep on the top bunk, hearing the soft snores of her sleeping from below. I look up worriedly but I close my eyes and I let the darkness take over me.

End of Part 11. 

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