The car's engine started the moment Crowley stepped out of the building. By the time the demon was seated properly, Aziraphale was yanking at the vehicle's passenger side door. To the fallen angel's dismay, Aziraphale had managed to climb into the Bentley just as they were pulling off the curb, at 100 mph.

"Crowley, we need to talk!"

His grip on the steering wheel tightened. "I have nothing to say to you."

"Then just listen to me!" Urged the angel. His voice trembled a bit, thanks to the Bentley's speed.

"No! You either get out willingly or I'm shoving you out!" Warned Crowley, a vein popping in his neck.

As usual, Aziraphale didn't really take his threats seriously. "I choose neither, thank you."

Oh, Crowley was seething now. "Right. Good luck dodging all the other cars, then." He said as he tried pushing him out. Emphasis on tried. The door didn't budge, no matter how much he pushed and snapped his fingers to open the bloody door.

He glared at Aziraphale through his glasses. "Stop blocking my miracles!" He yelled over the sound of dozens of angry motorists, who were nearly impacted by the speeding Bentley.

"I'm doing no such thing! Even if I was, why should I just allow you to fling me out of a speeding vehicle?!" Said the angel, trying to pry Crowley's hands off his lapels.

The redhead growled, not letting go. "Because it's my car and I don't want you here!"

The blond's eyes were desperate. "Then let me speak and I'll leave you alone!"

Just then, the Bentley made an extremely sharp turn, which flung Crowley back to his side of the car. Before either of them said another word, the seatbelts strapped them into their seats. Both beings were utterly confused. The pair looked at each other. They waited a second before trying to speak.

"What the-"

"Did you-?"

Suddenly, the Bentley's radio sparked to life. Blaring static made them both groan and flinch to cover their ears. Then, music started playing. It was Freddie Mercury's voice. Because of course it was.

Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me
Because you don't know what it means to me

Crowley was even angrier now. He started jabbing at the radio buttons. On/Off button. Volume knob. AM/FM buttons. The bloody eject button! Nothing worked. Then, the song changed on its own.

-Oh yeah, I fell in love
But now you say it's over and I'm falling apart

The demon growled. He looked close to punching the radio next. Aziraphale was sure he would have, had the Bentley not been his most prized possession. He kept pressing the buttons in random order and the song changed again. No thanks to his actions.

-When I'm not with you, think of me always
Love you, love you

By now, it was evident the Bentley was speaking for Crowley. Not by Crowley's choice, obviously. Which made him want to cave into himself with embarrassment. Really, he wanted to bury himself six feet under, just to get away from Aziraphale's gaze. The radio changed songs again.

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