Epilogue (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

Cross had disappeared down an alley, Chara whispering something in his ear. Nightmare followed, planning to announce himself when he knew Cross could actually hear him. He'd have to scream in order for his voice to be heard over the crowd of people.

Yet, when Nightmare rounded the corner he found himself flooded by a sense of déjà vu. It came in the form of a knife being held against his throat and all. He caught notice of Chara's howling laughter (that kid definitely set this up) as he quipped, "You're really not good at first impressions, are you?"

The knife suddenly dissipated as a grin grew on Cross' face, "Nightmare! I was wondering when you'd show up."

Sometime when Cross spoke he had impulsively thrown his arms around Nightmare, engulfing him in a hug. Nightmare accepted the gesture gratefully, squeezing Cross as he replied, "Well, I waited until the time was right. Like you said."

Cross released him from his hold, the grin still on his face, "I'm glad you did. How about we catch up over some coffee? I know a place, the owner's really nice too."

Nightmare smiled softly, only now realizing just how much he had missed Cross, "That sounds great."

Cross nodded happily as he began leading Nightmare in another direction. Nightmare noticed how he seemed to have a pep in his step as he walked. At least he knew he wasn't the only one that had been anticipating this moment for a long time.

As they continued, Nightmare found himself engaged in a conversation with Chara. The ghost boy seemed to have faired well over the couple of years. Nightmare never really got to talk to him while they were still at the lab, so it was nice to see him doing so well despite the other...altercations.

A few more street corners and Cross finally stopped at a cozy looking cafe that was crammed on the end of one. There was nothing particularly special about it, but Nightmare guessed it added to the comforting experience. It was nice to simply relax every once in a while.

Cross pushed the door open, causing a tiny bell to ring. A skeleton standing behind the counter, drying a coffee mug with a towel, turned and smiled upon seeing them, "Cross! Welcome back, I wasn't expecting to see you until Thursday! Who's the friend?"

Cross smiled as he approached the counter, Nightmare hesitantly following him, "Hey Ccino, yeah I wasn't planning on today but it's a special occasion. This is Nightmare."

Ccino seemed to make a face of realization, "Oh, Cross has told me a lot about you. So nice to finally make your acquaintance!"

Ccino winked at Nightmare, as if he were hinting at something obvious. Nightmare simply shrugged it off, "It's nice to meet you too...Ccino."

Ccino smiled before settling into his barista demeanor, "What can I get for you two today?"

Cross glanced at the chalk board menu before stating, "My usual, please. With an extra spoon of sugar if you don't mind."

Ccino nodded, seeming to take mental note of Cross' order, "Not at all, and for you?"

He turned to Nightmare. Nightmare paused for a moment, unsure of what to get, before taking the safest option, "Just a black coffee would be fine. Thank you."

Ccino smiled again, before setting the mug he had been cleaning down to make their order. Cross turned back and sat himself at one of the tables. Nightmare followed after him, taking the seat across from Cross.

Cross fumbled with his thumbs, not sure how to start a conversation. He went at this for a while, before finally plucking up some courage, "So how's everyone been?"

Nightmare glanced at him, now only taking into account how nervous Cross was. He shrugged, "As fine as they could be. Everyone's just kinda been doing their own thing now that's schools done. Killer and Dream have been helping Dust out with Sprinkle, that kids been quite the handful."

Cross held back a laugh, "Oh really? I couldn't possibly imagine why."

Nightmare cracked a grin, "I know. Everyone's been such a horrible influence on him. Especially Killer, you should've seen Dust's face when he found out Sprinkle's first word was 'fuck'. Killer was lucky he didn't kill him then."

Cross couldn't help but to find himself laughing, "It's nice to know that they've been doing alright."

Nightmare sighed, yet the grin still hadn't left his face, "But what about you? What have you been up to?"

Cross shrugged, mumbling a, "Thank you," as Ccino brought over their orders, "Oh not much, just been trying to settle in as much as possible. Make a routine I suppose, just so I don't go crazy."

Nightmare took a sip from his cup, welcoming the bitter taste, "Y'know you're always welcome back."

Cross smiled softly down at his mug, clenching it a little, "I know, it's just, dangerous? I guess. I don't want to get any of you caught up in that stuff."

Nightmare frowned, knowing what Cross was referring to. Sure, they'd been interrogated for ages about him, but no one gave anything away and it went smoothly. There really wasn't anything to worry about. Not to mention, in the years that had passed, the case around Cross had been put on a permanent hold. There was no going anywhere with loose ends.

He set his cup down, gazing at Cross, "I think we could always find a work around."

Cross shot Nightmare a weary look, yet it looked somewhat hopeful, "That would be nice, but I really don't think there is a workaround."

Nightmare leaned back in his seat, taking another sip from his coffee, "Like I said, I'm sure we could find something. Speaking of which, Reaper and Geno are planning on getting married soon. They wanted to extend the invitation to you."

Cross sighed, taking a moment to ponder his options. He looked rather troubled, "I don't know...I would like to do that, but, once again, it'd be a little too risky."

Nightmare eyed him. "I don't think it would. It's a private event, not to mention you have a way to get back here quickly. If that was needed."

Cross met Nightmare's eye. He thought for a moment, wondering if that would even be a good idea. Even though he wanted to, he couldn't risk anything. Last time he did that, well, we all know how that turned out.

Cross finally sighed, "Okay, I'll go."

Nightmare smiled, happy to know that Cross was much more open than he had been previously. It was nice to see him not be hesitant for once. He deserved to live a little.

The two of them finished their coffee in silence, with only the occasional conversation about what they'd been up to. They were quite content with being able to catch up with each other like this. It made the both of them feel...at peace.

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Guys oh my gosh it's finally over 😦

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