chapter 100

291 7 2

( Third POV)

After the exams class 1-A went back to their homeroom only to see midnight already there waiting for them.

" Hello students!~" the rated R hero hummed as she let Aizawa pass her, grabbed his sleeping bag and curled up in it with a tired chirp instead of saying hello to his packmate. "Now tell me young inspiring heroes~ who's ready to pick their hero name?~" she sang the last word with excitement lacing her words.

The class erupted into cheers as thoughts of what their hero name should be rushed through their heads.

" Alright alright calm down everyone, we don't want to wake Aizawa. I kinda promised him this nap." Midnight said as she pulled out a fluffy blanket from inside of a bag she had on the ground and placed it in front of Aizawa's sleeping bag.

The tired man reached out of his sleeping bag and grabbed the blanket and slowly dragged it into the bag with him.  The scent of his mate on the blanket slowly luring him into a light yet peaceful sleep.

" Now that he's sleeping." Nemari said with a smile on her face before turning back to the class "who wants to go first?!"

The class was silent until Kirishima raised his hand and said " I'll go, my hero name will be manly!"

" It better be shitty hair!" Bakugou shouted at the red haired alpha.

" It sure will be," Kirishima responded as he walked up to the podium with a small whiteboard he had written his hero name on. " my name will be.. the sturdy hero: red riot!"

" Ooooo~ kind of like crimson riot! I'm guessing your name is an homage to that hero!"

" Yes it is! " Kirishima said as he rumbled with pride.

" You got a lot to amount to then!" Nemari said with a smile as Kirishima went back to his seat "now who's next!"

One by one the students went up and to tell their names, then once it reached himiko she spoke happily with a confident voice, and spoke her hero name. " I will now be known as the copycat hero: copypard! It's a combination of my quirks, transform and liepard!"

" That's an amazing name copypard!" Midnight praised as himiko skipped back to her seat alright shinsou I pick you to go next! I'm not letting you go last!"

" Fine…" * Shinsou walked forward with one of izuku's feelers wrapped around his arm. " By the way kitten, how far can your ribbons stretch?"

" I don't know" izuku responded before beginning to remove his ribbon but shinsou gently held the ribbon there as he walked to the podium.

" The control hero: imperium, that will be my hero name." He then walked to his seat and began gently stroking the feeler wrapped around his arm earning a soft barely audible purr from the green haired omega who has also had another feeler wrapped around his other partner's arm.

Two more students went before shoto stood up and walked to the podium and said " shoto…"

" Love no!" Izuku and shinsou said in unison as shinsou facepalmed and izuku shifted into his Sylveon form and ran to the front of the room bringing shinsou along with him.

" Your hero name needs to be more creative than that!" Izuku chirped before leaping into his mates arms.

" Yeah…" Shinsou yawned as he was dragged to the front of the room.

" So what do you two suggest?" Shoto said as Izuku climbed onto his head.

Then they huddled together briefly to discuss shoto's hero name. Once they decided on one shinsou went back to his seat followed swiftly by izuku who gracefully leaped off of shoto's head before shifting back to normal and sitting at his desk.

" I will be known as frostfire" shoto deadpanned before sitting down as nemari praised him on how cool his hero name was.

Hoshi was next and the large dog trotted over to the podium and reared up, put her paws on the podium and said " I will be known as the shooting star hero: silver fang!"

" Nice reference to your vigilante name as well as your family legacy hoshi" izuku chirped.

Hoshi smiled as she went back to her dog bed and desk.

After a while everyone had a chance to state their hero names. Iida had chosen the name hyperdrive, denki had chosen the name Catastropika after the pokemon z-move izuku had shown him during one of their training sessions and bakugou had chosen ground zero after izuku used ' quick attack' directly at his chest.

" It seems you're last one izuku Aizawa" midnight chirped causing shota to sit up, open his sleeping bag and listen to what his pup had chosen for his hero name.

Izuku skipped to the front of the room and with a smile said " I am eon: the evolution hero!"

Little did anyone know there was someone inside the vents watching them gathering information.

(_herbal_witch_: frostfire and Imperium WeissSchnee290: copypard
Thank you guys for the hero names!)

Eon: the Eeveelution hero Where stories live. Discover now