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Cale peacefully had breakfast in his room without any fuss and prepared to head to the study. "They certainly made it look new," he remarked as he entered the study, intending to sketch out his future plans. Taking a seat at the desk with papers and ink ready, he immersed himself in his thoughts, staring at the blank paper before him.

Hans entered the room with refreshments and cautiously placed them by Cale's side, half expecting to receive a shout from the young master. Instead, he heard a quiet "thanks" as Cale seemed lost in contemplation, his gaze fixed on the empty sheet in front of him. Suddenly, as if snapped back to reality, Cale turned to Hans and abruptly asked for the current date.

Hans replied, "It is the 29th day of the 3rd month in the 781st year of the Felix Calendar." He felt his racing heart calm down, relieved that the young master didn't appear on the verge of an outburst or flipping the table, although he noticed a slight frown on Cale's face.

With that, he dismissed Hans. "Well, that means the Harris attack has already happened, and that white bastard has already taken his mother's ancient power... that brings in the fact that I have to visit my mother's grave." He then proceeded to write the main events, which only he could understand and carefully took them in his hands with quill and ink as he exited the study, finding Ron standing there.

He informed Ron that he was going to visit his mother's grave and suggested that if Ron wanted to, he could let his father know. With that, he set out for the graveyard without paying attention to the shuffling maids and their whispers.

Ron was thinking that his puppy had grown up when he witnessed the study door swing open forcefully and was struck by the sight of Cale emerging, tightly clutching the paper and ink in his arms. Without any further preparations or additional items, Cale firmly declared his intention to visit his mother's grave and embarked on his journey. This momentary surprise stunned Ron, but he quickly composed himself and made his way to the count's office while taking his time to report the situation.

While walking out of the mansion, Cale's attention was drawn to the vibrant garden, where an array of flowers had bloomed. Among them, the red roses stood out, their beauty capturing his gaze. Swiftly, he changed his course and made his way toward the garden. With care, he plucked several flowers, ensuring that his makeshift bouquet for his mother contained an abundance of roses. Satisfied with his selection, he resumed his journey toward the graveyard, holding the bouquet close to his heart.

With heavy steps, Cale reached his mother's grave. He gave a small bow as a sign of respect and placed the flowers, even though he knew he wouldn't receive any response. "How are you doing, Mother?" he whispered, his words filled with a mix of longing and sorrow. Setting aside any expectations, he plopped on the ground beside the grave, letting himself be consumed by the moment, detached from the concerns of the outside world.

He took out the paper and ink and kept them by his side, only to notice an unusual stone shaped like a slab next to where he had placed his belongings. In his previous visits, he had never come across this tiny grave-like stone. Filled with curiosity, Cale carefully removed the small slab and discovered a red and gold wooden box adorned with intricate red rose engravings. It was a meticulously crafted box, showcasing detailed carvings and fine workmanship.

As he continued to examine the box, the sight of the small silver metal piece and the inscription "Thames" triggered a sudden recollection in Cale's mind. It was as if his mother's words resurfaced in a flash, reminding him of their special heritage and the knowledge that would be revealed to him when the time was right. He recalled her saying, "Thames, we have special blood flowing through our bodies. You will know more once the time calls for it. Keep that in mind."

With a surge of realization, it felt as though he had discovered the key to unlocking the box. Carefully, Cale retrieved the golden pin that adorned his expensive white shirt and pricked his thumb, allowing a drop of his blood to fall onto the metal piece. Almost miraculously, the box responded to his action, opening to unveil a reddish-brown book hidden within.

The revelation of the book stirred a mix of anticipation and curiosity within Cale. He reached for the book, recognizing that its contents might hold the answers he had been seeking.

Soon, a rumble was felt by the soldiers stationed near the graveyard, causing a momentary disturbance. Meanwhile, the countess, who had been preparing to visit the gallery, also sensed the unusual occurrence. The knights, who had noticed their young master entering the graveyard earlier with a bouquet of flowers, ran inside the yard.

As they approached the scene, they were taken aback by what they witnessed. A tree with vibrant red leaves had sprouted atop the late countess's grave, creating an ethereal sight. The branches of the tree gently embraced the young redhead, whose face displayed a serene and peaceful expression. It was a countenance that hadn't been seen for years, ever since he had fallen into a state of despair.

The knights, countess, and vice-captain Hillsman stood in awe, mesmerized by the sight before them. The presence of the tree and the serene expression on Cale's face evoked a sense of wonder in all who witnessed it. As Cale opened his eyes and noticed the group staring at him, he slowly rose to his feet, taking care to place the paper inside the book and secure it within the special box. Brushing off the dust from his clothes, he started walking towards the astonished group, including Lady Violin, who was composed herself after the initial surprise.

As Cale's gaze fell upon Lady Violin, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret and nostalgia. Memories of their past interactions passed through his mind, causing a momentary internal struggle. However, he quickly reminded himself of his purpose and the need to focus on changing the future rather than dwelling on the past. With determination in his eyes, he steeled himself against any emotional breakdown and approached Lady Violin, ready to face her...

As Cale reached the group, Lady Violin, with a composed demeanor, inquired, "May I inquire what may have happened here?"

Maintaining a straight face, Cale responded, "I came here to collect something my mother kept for me. I thought it was the perfect time."

Lady Violin's reaction was subtle, a barely noticeable flinch at the mention of his real mother. Cale, perceptive as ever, caught this slight response. It seemed as though she understood that delving too deeply into the topic of his real mother would be prying into sensitive territory. Respecting that, she dismissed the knights and herself.

After everyone left, Cale sat near his mother's grave and felt the comforting warmth of the tree, reminding him of his mother's presence. He opened the book he had retrieved and took out the papers to write down all the important details. He didn't have to worry about others reading his writings because they were safe inside his mother's book. As he wrote, he could almost hear his younger mother's ancient power guiding his thoughts, making him feel at peace. Time slipped away, and by the time he finished summarizing his notes, it was evening thus missing his lunch. Cale stood up, bowed to his mother's grave one last time, whispered goodbye, and made his way back to the mansion with a renewed sense of purpose and his mother's strength in his heart.

After reaching his room, Cale carefully put the book in a safe place. He changed his clothes and then lay down on his bed, feeling tired but content. With a relaxed sigh, he drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep, free from any dreams.

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