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The next morning, rumors began circulating about young Master Cale and his visit to the grave, suggesting that he might be changing in some way. Basen, upon hearing these rumors, hoped that his elder brother was changing for the better.

Ron, eager to assist Cale, came to wake him up a bit earlier than usual. However, it appeared that Cale was already up and about, wearing something he hadn't worn in years – his sword training clothes, which were gifted to him two years ago. Ron also noticed him reading the peculiar-looking book he had retrieved yesterday.

It seemed like Ron's attempt to help was unnecessary, as Cale was already occupied with something important, and the changes in his behavior had not gone unnoticed by others. Ron today especially made a sour lemon tea to check how interesting his young puppy has become.

Cale noticed Ron's inquisitive expression but accepted the tea nonetheless. He took a small sip only to spit the whole out. Ah, it's the LeMoN(demon)tea. Although he thought of shouting at Ron as he used to in the past, the words seemed to get stuck in his throat, and he couldn't bring himself to act that way anymore. Instead, he just glared at Ron and handed back the tea, asking for a sweet tea instead.

Ron responded with a hint of amusement in his eyes, saying, "It seems like age is catching up to me, young master. I will try to bring a sweet tea next time." Then, he asked, "Is the young master planning to visit the training ground after breakfast? Lord requested breakfast with you, and it just crossed my mind."

Cale, considering the question, nodded affirmatively, confirming his intention to visit the training ground after breakfast. However, he requested breakfast to be served in his room instead. He felt that he was still not ready to face others, especially his father, and there was a chance that his father might ask about yesterday's incident. With the breakfast arrangement settled Ron left the room to make the necessary preparations for the day ahead.

After breakfast, Cale headed straight to the training arena. Upon his arrival, he noticed some knights training and whispering among themselves. However, he paid no attention to their gossip and instead went to a secluded corner to warm up. There, he chose a wooden sword that suited him and began his practice.

Cale diligently started practicing, recalling the techniques he had observed from watching fellow foot soldiers and Choi Han. However, he soon realized that it was more challenging than he had initially thought. His body had not engaged in heavy exercise this time around, resulting in weak overall physical condition. Despite the difficulty, he persevered, determined to improve his skills and regain his strength.

The knights who were training noticed Cale's dedication and hard work, which encouraged and inspired them to push themselves further. They sent words of encouragement to the young master, which made Cale wonder, "What the hell is happening with them?" He found it amusing and unexpected that his training would have such an impact on the others.

Cale continued with his diligent training until noon, pushing himself despite feeling like he might not be able to move afterward. Afterward, he took a quick bath and had a short nap, intending to rest his tired body. However, when he woke up, it was already evening. The day seemed to have slipped away while he was lost in his training and rest.

After waking up, Cale dragged his tired body to sit on a chair, contemplating his next move. Just then, he heard a knock on the door, and he assumed it was Ron. Cale allowed the old man to enter, and Ron came in with a trolley filled with food. As Cale had suspected, it was his missed lunch, and he felt grateful for Ron's thoughtfulness in bringing it to him.

Ron silently set the table for the red-haired young master, carefully placing the cutlery and the food in front of him. Cale, feeling the fatigue in his body but hungry from his training, slowly began to eat, savoring each bite as he regained his energy. As Cale ate his meal, he gestured to dismiss Ron from the room. Understanding the young master's desire for solitude, Ron quietly left, leaving Cale to enjoy his meal in peace and collect his thoughts after a rigorous day of training and reflection.

Cale slowly devoured the delicious meal, his thoughts wandering to the upcoming arrival of Choi Han. He recalled their first meeting in the past, which had been unpleasant. At that time, Cale was overwhelmed by depression and couldn't maintain a level-headed conversation, leading to anger and resulting in a beating from Choi Han. As Cale contemplated the upcoming meeting with Choi Han, he realized the importance of gaining Choi Han's trust and cooperation to fight against the white star and develop a strong strategy. However, he knew that it wouldn't be easy, especially considering Choi Han's current state of mind, which will twisted by now after the massacre.

Cale understood that building trust with Choi Han would require careful handling and a delicate approach. He pondered on how to make Choi Han believe in his intentions without arousing suspicion. It was a challenging task, but Cale was determined to find a way to connect with Choi Han, understand his struggles, and gain his support for their common cause.

With determination in his heart, Cale resolved to be patient and considerate, hoping that with time and sincerity, he could form a bond with Choi Han, one that would lead them to work together effectively against the white star.

He decided to go out for a drink After finishing his meal, Cale changed into one of his extravagant clothes, something he hadn't done in years, a rare indulgence he hadn't had time for as it was a continuous 20 years of war. With that in mind, he set out.

Cale walked that street alone.

First, he went to the tavern where he found his favorite alcohol and regular gangsters he used to throw bottles at. Well fun times in his depressing trash act days. As he went near the tavern everyone went really silent. The gangsters were keeping their heads down. The owner of the shop frankly came running to him and he was slightly shaking.

"Aigoo, young master, you're here?"

He did not respond to the owner's greeting and just threw a gold coin at him.

"Bring a bottle of my usual"

"Excuse me? Y, you don't want to find a seat first?"

Cale started to frown. The owner immediately waved his hands and bowed his head.

"Immediately! I will bring it immediately!"

The owner was moving quickly, but it looked like he was smiling. It was because it looked like Cale was not planning on sitting down. Cale looked around the bar which became quiet once he walked in. Everyone was avoiding his gaze and turned their heads. It was like they were wondering why he had to choose this bar of all bars in the city. The gangsters and scammers in the bar were all extremely nervous right now.


The sound of Cale clicking his tongue could be heard through the silence in the bar.

"Young master, here is the bottle you requested."

It was the alcohol he drank often. It was probably the most expensive alcohol in this bar. He accepted the bottle with no regret and left the bar.

Cale immediately opened the bottle and drank about half of it as soon as he stepped out of the bar.


The alcohol tasted the same as he remembered. Since Cale had a high tolerance to alcohol, it did not affect him at all to drink half. (*same text from the original translation of the novel)

As he enjoyed the drink and started to walk around he saw a young man or teen with jet-black hair similar to that of Choi Han walking with two cats with peculiar colors of silver and red one on his shoulder and the other on his hands.

(I tried my best 

hope the pov are not confusing)

Destiny's Intuition[HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora