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With a jolt, Cale sat up from the bed, with a pounding heart he looked around, he found himself in his old room, surrounded by familiar furniture and the comforting scent of nostalgia that hung in the air. The room was adorned with shelves, books, and wine bottles, a testament to his love for reading and a reminder of the person he used to be.

Through the window, the pale light of the early morning sun filtered in, casting a warm glow over the bustling city below. The sight of the waking world outside stirred a bittersweet mixture of emotions within him. It brought back memories, both cherished and painful, of the peaceful moments he had once taken for granted.

The realization hit him hard — a year from now, the entire continent would be thrown into turmoil, its people caught in the grip of hopelessness and despair. The weight of this knowledge settled heavily on his shoulders, fueling his resolve to alter the course of events. A pang of regret surged through him as he contemplated the path not taken. If only he had continued his sword training, honing his skills, perhaps he would have been better equipped to protect his family. But dwelling on the past would serve no purpose now. He had a chance to make a difference, to rewrite their fates.

With newfound determination coursing through his veins, Cale swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose to his feet. The cold tiles beneath him grounded him in the present moment. The prospect of change fueled his every step, pushing him forward. He knew that to bring about a different outcome, he had to start with himself. And so, with unwavering resolve, he made his way to the bathroom, ready to embark on his journey, cleansing not only his body but also his spirit.

But as he contemplated the reason why he, out of all people, was chosen for this mission, a sense of unease washed over him. Visiting his mother's grave held its own significance, but something felt off.

He was told that he would meet his soulmate soon, but the details of when and where remained unknown to him. The anticipation and curiosity weighed on his mind, leaving him with unanswered questions. He couldn't help but wonder about the person who held the key to his heart, someone destined to be by his side.

Adding to the mystery, he noticed black writings on his arm, one in a cryptic language and the other in Ronwoon. It read, "I will be a rich slacker." The words appeared absurd and out of place, but he couldn't deny their presence. As he contemplated the meaning behind the cryptic message, he couldn't help but chuckle at the irony. Who would judge his soulmate when he hasn't met them? With a sense of anticipation and a touch of amusement, he carried on with his thoughts...

Confronting his family after all these years was a daunting prospect. He feared that he might break down in their presence. To maintain his composure, he decided to avoid this breakfast with his family as a temporary façade, a mask to hide his inner turmoil.

And then there was Ron. Cale couldn't help but feel conflicted. Ron had left for his safety, yet Cale had wrongly blamed him for leaving without a bye after he was beaten up. The guilt weighed heavily on his conscience. As for Beacrox, Cale couldn't help but feel remorseful for disregarding the heavenly food Beacrox had prepared, using it as a means to prove his supposed trash behavior. The regret gnawed at him.

With a renewed perspective, Cale emerged from the bathroom and opted for something more comfortable and simple, a departure from the ostentatious attire he had worn during his "trash act" days.

"To plan my moves, I need the study," Cale thought to himself. The importance of strategizing and being prepared weighed heavily on his mind. He knew that knowledge and understanding would be his weapons along with sword art he developed in the battles to come.

That's when he heard a knocking on his door, startling him out of his thoughts. "You may enter," Cale called out, his voice calm and composed.

On cue, Ron entered the room, carrying a tray of tea and wearing his signature benign smile. The sight of his father figure he once thought and former butler brought a rush of emotions to the surface, threatening to overwhelm Cale. He fought hard to maintain his composure, using every ounce of strength to suppress the feelings that churned within him. How he missed Ron's presence...

"It seems like the young master has awoken earlier than this butler could wake you up," Ron remarked with a gentle smile, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "To even shower and change... Is there anything special that this old butler is missing out on?"

Cale couldn't help but chuckle softly at Ron's amused comment. His style of talking brought a sense of comfort and eased the tension that had been building within him.

"There's nothing special, Ron," Cale replied, his voice laced with gratitude. "I just felt the need to gather my thoughts and prepare myself for the day ahead."

He accepted the tea that Ron offered with a thankful nod, savoring the warmth that seeped through the ceramic cup. The aroma of the tea filled the air, adding to the sense of tranquility in the room. Cale took a sip, relishing the familiar taste that Ron always seemed to get just right even though he used to bring that hellish lemon tea whenever he was over drunk. It was a small moment of respite amidst the uncertainty and chaos that lay before them.

With a soft smile, Cale looked at Ron and said, "Thank you, Ron.

"Ah, I would like to have my breakfast in my room, then I would like to go to my study after that so prepare it before I finish" Cale requested, taking another sip of his tea as he contemplated his next move. Unbeknownst to him, he failed to notice the change of expression that crossed Ron's face. Ron, who had grown accustomed to Cale's aversion to his study and his tendency to command and curse others, found it intriguing that his puppy young master now showed an interest in the very study he had previously avoided like some kind of plague.

With a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, Ron nodded and responded, "Of course, young master. I shall arrange for your breakfast to be brought to your room and yes I will ready the study by the time you finish."

The fact that Cale's change was something new that he didn't expect from his puppy.

Lost in his thoughts, Cale continued to sip his tea, unaware of the subtle shift in the air around him. Little did he know that this seemingly insignificant moment would mark the beginning of a new set of rumors, as a maid ran past the room who came to find Ron...

Destiny's Intuition[HIATUS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon