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Janet's POV

As I walked softly into the restaurant, glancing around at the few people that still mingled at the tables, other couples left to make the journey to the nearby town of Radiator Springs in the light of the setting sun.

My gaze shifted around at the few remaining people, searching for the owner of a certain secret message.
Feeling the vibrations before I heard my heart rush, I smirked as I turned to be greeted by a slowly approaching familiar man. The silver-blue suit shone in the hanging lights as his lips contorted into his signature smile.

Finn's POV

I felt my heart race at the thought of what was about to happen. After facing bad people for years, getting shot at, rammed into, banged around, beaten up, and broken down, nothing gave him a single hint of fear.

But what he was about to do was one of the most simplest acts of the car race.

Why did it bring him such a fleeting feeling?

Suddenly a flash of black and cherry red caught my eye. My gaze whipped towards the entrance as a newly-black suit accented with deep cherry red hair softly entered.

Between the light of the setting sun and the hanging lights from the Wheel Well restaurant, her hair shone beautifully.

Her gorgeous dark brown eyes glanced around, searching the nearby tables.

I couldn't help my heart racing softly as I smirked and approached the searching female.

Before I had reached her, she turned her gaze and met mine. The soft smile showing on her expression.

And her first words like honey through my ears.

Janet's POV

"Why hello there." I stated as the silver-blue male reached my side.
"Hello." He smiled, meeting my gaze.

Geez I loved those eyes.

"A Volkswagen Karmann Gaia has no radiator." I state. Knowing exactly why I had said the random sentence, he replies. "That's because it's air-cooled."

Before I could say anything else, he interrupted me.

"Though any person with a good knowledge of cars and their history is able to answer that." He smirked as he gave me a look, I smiled then chuckled at the repeated quote as we began to cruise towards a table that looked out towards the landscapes.

"I'm glad you got my message. It is quite difficult to reach you, despite your reputation." Finn stated as we stopped at the table, facing each other.

"My reputation?" I played coy.
Smirking on the outside when inside I was steaming at that.

Why should me being The Allusion be the thing he remembers?

His eyes widened slightly and he seemed to become even more

It was actually quite amusing.

"I mean- Yo-You're reputation as a spy! It's difficult to find where you are or where you've been." He stuttered.

He seemed to freak out once he saw me raise a brow.

He struggled to find the right words until I chuckled and slowly moved around the table and stopped next to him.
"Come with me." I glanced around as I led him past all the couples and out of the restaurant.

Finn's POV

How could I be so stupid?!

I put her in a position that pissed her off.

I felt my heart rattle when cold fear washed over me and grasped me in its claws as I followed.

Janet was the only thing that could bring true fear and true happiness into my life.

As we reached a secluded area of the canyons, the full moon and stars shining above us, she turned towards me. My eyes widened as she smirked.

This is where I die.

Janet's POV

I almost chuckled as I saw Finn's terrified gaze. I gave a soft smile.

"Guess you've known for a while now of who evervone believes I am."
I stated softly. His gaze seemed to search for an escape and I nearly laughed.

"Let me show you something." I turned as I grinned at the horrified expression.

I led the spy through the canyon and then up an incline in the rocks.

He rolled next to me but kept a space between me and him.

I also noticed that he was dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. I looked up to see a few clouds dotting the sky as stars began to appear.

Smirking, I glanced towards the silver-blue (suit) man. My smirk fell when I noticed his concerned look.
I drove closer and softly touched his hand to mine. His gaze met mine and they softened.

"Don't be too tense. You'll scare the stars away."

Finn's POV

As she spoke, I felt a calm sense flow over me and I smiled. We finally rolled to a stop at the top of the incline, facing towards a nearby cliff. As I looked out into the distance, the fading light of the setting sun showed the small town of Radiator Springs.

"Why have you brought me here?
We could see this kind of view from Wheel Well." I decided to speak up, turning to face the woman, that stole my heart. She met my gaze and smiled, coming forward and pushing my back to the distance. "Watch," she whispered.

As I gazed out towards the town again, I gasped as the scene before me almost instantly changed.

As the sun left the sky, the town's lights flashed on and the stars glistened in the sky. A few lightning Beatles took flight around us. Their tiny lights flashing softly.

"This....This is incredible." I breathed in astonishment.

Moon chuckled beside me.

"You see? Things aren't always as they seem. Some things are allusions. And sometimes.....well.....somethings are just plain made up." her voice seemed to drop as she stared at the now rising moon. I glanced at her and realization hit me like a wrecking ball.

She has been hurt before.

It was right then that I decided something.


She turned to look at me and I met her gaze softly.

"If some things are allusions then I hope this isn't." I suddenly pushed forward and kissed her. She was shocked but soon relieved tension from the action and returned it.

I stayed there as long as I could.

I wanted this.
I needed this.

And if anything would try to stop this, I would stop it.

I pulled away but not too far.
"Because if I know anything, I know that this is a mission I don't want to quit performing. I only ask if you would join me on this intricate journey."

I met her gaze as I finished.
She beamed brightly at me as she pressed in a quick kiss. "A brand new mission. As long as I have you with me, I'm delighted to be on this path with you." She finished as she pressed her forehead to mine.
That's when a comm came in.

Agent Moon, Agent Finn. We have a new mission for you both.

I looked towards the woman that stole my heart with my signature smirk.
"Shall we?" She smirked, walked towards her car then revved her engine before speeding off.

With a small laugh, I followed.

A new mission indeed..

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