Robbie: Oh, cool, cool, watch out! *puts his arm over Wendy's shoulder and subtly glares at Dipper*

Game announcer: Opponent sighted! Fight!

In the Mystery Shack, Stan, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Mei Lin are playing poker.

Mabel: King me! *reveals her hand which has two Kings*

Stan, Soos, Dipper, and Mei Lin: Aww! Come on!

Stan: It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!

Mabel: Go Fish?

Electric guitar starts playing outside the shack.

Soos: Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head.

Mabel: Try blinking to see if you can change the channel.

Soos: *blinks*

Mei Lin: Well whatever it is, it's starting to get annoying.

Robbie: *offscreen; singing:* Weeendy!

Dipper: Ugh, sounds like Robbie.

Stan: Robbie? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?

Soos: He called me "Big Dude" once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt.

Mei Lin: I feel you Soos, he also called me "snake girl" that one time. *quietly:* I'm much more and better than a little snake.

Mabel: Should I sic Waddles on him again?

Waddles: *chews Mabel's sweater*

Mabel: Whoa, easy tiger.

Dipper: *gets up* I'll handle it. *leaves*

Stan, Mabel, Soos, and Mei Lin: Ooooooh!

Stan: Ha ha, conflict!

Robbie: *singing:* Wendy! Wendy, Wendy! *shouting:* Wendy! C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!

Dipper: You realize she's not here, right?

Robbie: *scoffs* Yes! ...What?

Dipper: She's out camping with her family today. *quietly:* Maybe if you listened to her for once, you'd know that.

Robbie: What was that?!

Dipper: I- just said she's not here.

Robbie: No, no, no! You want to get into it, huh? Lets get into it, kid! You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you've got a thing for my girlfriend, don't you? Don't you?!

Dipper: What? No! C'mon, man!

Robbie: *sarcastically* Yeah, I'm sure she's just DYING to ask out a 12-year old kid who wears the exact same shorts every day. Hey, here's an idea: *pulls out his cell phone and calls Wendy* why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you?

Dipper: Hey! Look-! Don't! Y-you don't have to-!

Robbie: *mimicking Dipper:* Oh! Don't! Please, man! *holds up phone; normal voice:* What're you gonna do, huh, huh? What, what?

Wendy: *on phone:* Hello?

Dipper: *smacks Robbie's cell phone out of his hand, making it hit the ground and break*

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