Chapter 15 Family

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Sill Mini's POV
....I think he's okay.
OK I don't really know actually. I mean, he's breathing but his eyes are closed and he won't respond to me. Did I do something that I wasn't supposed to do? Maybe. Should I have children? Probably not.

I poked his face and checked his pulse, everything seems to be intact. Hey, I might not be a doctor but I know when someone's OK. I stared off into space and pulled out my phone.

I decided to check my twitter account since I haven't been on in a while. I scrolled through some tweets until a came across a message that made me feel uneasy. "Mini! How come the others haven't done anything on YouTube lately?" I scrolled even lower to try and get away from answering that question. More questions popped up "Mini Ladd, did something happen? I didn't see u at pax ." I feel bad now, I completely forgot about our fans.

I felt even worse when I promised that I'd meet some of them. I sighed and pushed Nogla over to the side a bit. I layed down next to him, not to sound creepy or anything, but Nogla looked cute as a child. I smiled and stared at the ceiling. When will the others get back? They haven't come back in like 50 minutes or so. What's taking them so long? Laying down made me realize I'm really tired.

I turned next to Nogla who was peacefully sleeping and closed my eyes.
3rd person

Brief summary:
Marcel and the others rushed off to the store and bought medicine. They then rushed back to the hotel.

Terroriser was the first to walk up to the door he banged on the door only to get no response. "Hello? Craig are you in there?!" He quietly shouted not wanting to wake anyone else up.


No response.

Terroriser sighed and looked at the others. "Well, it looks like everyone's staying at mine and Tyler's room....." Delirious popped from behind Wildcat's legs "Wait, what about Craig and David?" Vanoss came out from behind Delirious "Yeah, what about our mommy?"

"Mommy? Man I'm going to have a feild day with that one." Marcel snickered. Wildcat contained his laugh and said "C'mon boys, were going to my place." Wildcat started leaving and the others followed close behind. "Wait, don't you mean our place?" Terroriser questioned. "Yeah yeah whatever you know what I mean."
They all walked up to Terroriser and Wildcat's room and walked in.

Immediately, Vanoss tugged on Lui's leg for attention "Pssst Lui." Vanoss whispered. Lui turned his head and crouched down a little; he may be older but he was still short. "What is it Va- uh, I mean Evan?" Vanoss looked at him questioningly but continued on "Are you guys my family? Don't get me wrong, I love everyone but we don't look that similar....." Lui started to sweat and looked at the others who were casually talking.

Lui dragged Evan over to the others "So, uhm, where Evan's family right guys?" Lui said with a fake smile. Tyler and the others looked at the two of them confused, until Lui made gestures to Evan who sat there all innocent. They finally understood what Lui was doing "U-uh yeah we're all family isn't that right Tyler?" Terroriser looked at Wildcat sending him signals to agree. Wildcat just shook his head in return not knowing what to say.

It was Delirious's turn for the questions "Then why do none of us really look a like?" Marcel jumped in saying "because your adopted!" He said satisfied with how this was going. "I'm what?" Delirious questioned "Adopted, it means that you came from a different state or something and you didn't originate with us." Lui tried explaining. Delirious just rolled his head in confusion but nodded his head.

Vanoss interrupted the conversation asking "Then who's the daddy?" The others looked at eachother not really wanting to be Mini's husband. "Come on, don't lie to us! Someone has to be the Dad I saw it on TV!" Evan yelled excitedly. Vanoss and Delirious inspected their looks on their faces and whispered to each other "Maybe.... It's Marcel?" Delirious whispered. Vanoss shook his head and let out a squeak of excitement "It's you!"

Vanoss extended his pointing finger which lead straight to Tyler.
"W-what?! Why me?!" Tyler asked confused. "You both wear glasses and you both took turns taking care of us, you must be the father!" The others tried to contain their laughs in as Tyler started at the two young children heading towards him.

Delirious tugged on his pants "Dad?" Everyone burst into laughter as Tyler blushed. "Can I have a hug?" Delirious extended his arms so Tyler could hug him. He hesitated at first but then picked the child up.

Tyler sighed and set Delirious down "Any other questions?" Marcel mumbled sarcastically. Evan's face brightened up as he asked "Where do babies come from?" Everyone was trying not to laugh at that. "Well, where do you think they come from?" Lui asked back.

"Uhhh.... Don't they come from a mother's tummy?" Delirious asked. Lui nodded his head in agreement. Vanoss put his hand on his chin like he was stroking an invisible beard "How do they get the baby in their stomach?"

"......" No one said anything.

"Guys?" Vanoss waved his hands around until Marcel put his hand on Evans "Wait till you're older....."
Author: I'm not dead! Sorry, I'm having trouble internet right now so I'm trying to update when I can. Any way hope you guys have a lovely day.....or night. It's literally midnight right now and I'm tired.


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