Chapter 4 Babysitting

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Basicallyidowrk's POV
What was Mini's room number again? Oh yeah, 413. Delirious and I, well technically me because of my awesome piggyback skills, were zooming down the hallways looking for 413. I kept running until Delirious covered my eyes screaming "STOP!STOP!STOP!"

I screeched to a halt at a door. There it is our adventure is here and where going to get you help Delirious. I knocked on the door expecting Mini to come out but instead I heard "I'll get it!" Followed by a child opening the door.

Miniladd's POV
Of course someone's at the door right now. Prefect timing at 7:00am in the morning. Evan looked at me and smiled saying "I'll get it!" and ran to the door. Nononononononono what if it's one of my friends? What do I say? 'Hello Nogla! Don't worry about the child, I kidnapped him!' Or 'Hey lui I'm just babysitting one our best friends!' Crap he opened the door!

I looked over at there door so see who it was and of course it's Marcel. He looked confused at first but then he smirked and turned around revealing another child that looked like Delirious on his back. I looked at him murmuring "You to?" He nodded and set what I'm guessing is Delirious down on the floor. "Go introduce yourself Jonathan." He said and pushed him twoards Evan.

Marcel closed the door behind him.
He looked at me and eyed the two children, I got the message and led them to the bedroom.
I quietly shut the door behind me and joined Marcel on the couch "So..." He started "So..." I copied. It was silent but obvious that we were both trying to find a way how to explain this......situation we have. "Should we tell the others about this?" I asked "Mhm" Was all he said, I'm guessing that he doesn't wasn't to answer that question either. "I wonder if this was a curse or something." He finally talked.
That thought made me tense up and he seemed to notice because he continued with "I think it'll go away don't worry, this is probably the pax plague." It's nice that Marcel tried to lighten up the mood but it did'nt really-Ring. My phone buzzed so I looked and saw that I got a message.
L:Hey Mini, where are you guys?

Oh no, Lui texted me. I looked over at Marcell seeing that he didn't bring his phone. We both looked at each other both of us asking for help. Ring.
L:Mini, were coming to your room.
OK all I have to do is respond.
Me: okay
Whoops...wait no take it back. My phone went black, great I forgot to charge it, today's not the best day.

Basicallyidowrk's POV
Mini's phone just died. Great. On second thought, Craig didn't seem to be the best in these situations. Quick Marcel, think of a way to hide children! Wait hide and go seek! That's it!

I looked at the panicked Mini Ladd and whispered "Follow my lead." He nodded and I opened the door to see them building a fort of some kind. "Okay kids, who wants to play hide and go seek?" They both smiled, I looked at Craig who followed up with "Okay were seeking and the rules are, no leaving this room." We both prayed that they were smart enough not to hide in plain sight. "We're going to count to ten and no matter what, you guys can't say anything until we say 'I give up' got it?" I continued on "Okay!" They both shouted excitedly. We both left into the living room and started counting. "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-knock knock.perfect.

Pax plagueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora