Chapter 9 Fever

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Basicallyidowrk's POV
What Lui said was true what ARE we going to do? We can't just leave them they're our friends and they need us at the moment. Well, I mean we never did really ask anyone....but they'd probably think we're insane. Plus we can't take care of them as children forever, the fans will notice their absence and get suspicious.

"You know...." Brian started we all looked at him for answers "Why don't we just...ask the children?"

We all looked at each other and mumbled in agreement. Tyler was the one that called for them "Hey kids, we have some questions for you. Can you please come over here for a moment?"

The two boys walked into the room. "What do you need?" Asked Evan "We were wondering, do you guys remember anything at all?" Nogla started to interrogate the two children.

Vanoss and Delirious looked at each other exchanging worried looks. " you guys remember or not?" Tyler said impatiently. Evan rubbed the temples of his head, his face started to twist resembling a constipated look. "N-no." He said weakly.

"Are you sure? Are you lying to us?" Lui tried to push the kids a little farther. ".........." Delirious didn't say anything instead he just stood there looking dazed. Something's obviously not right here.

I looked at Mini and he looked at me. We were trying to read eachothers faces for answers but nothing came to mind. That is until we heard sobbing Jonathan started crying and then Evan soon after. "Are you guys okay?" I finally said in a calming tone. "M-marcel....." Delirious choked out. Now it was everyone else's turn to start caring we all surrounded the children and took them to the beds.

"I-it hurts....I'm sorry....I-I can' hurts to remember." Evan said weakly. His face started paling, Nogla reached for his forehead. His eyes widened in surprise

"He's burning....." Was all he said Tyler checked Delirious's head having the same response as Nogla.

Everything was quiet. We were all terrible people, we can't even take care of children an-
"OKAY here's the plan!" We all turned and looked at who the lots speaker was. It was Tyler, he looked angry and on the verge of tears.

"David! Lui! Brian! Store. NOW." We all looked at him in shock what was wrong with Tyler? "Go get the kids some medicine...or something. Anything!" His voice cracked at the end. He spun around to me and Mini both of us still surprised by his voice at the moment. "Me, Craig, and Marcel will stay here to keep an eye on the children so don't worry about us just. GO!"

With that, Lui, Nogla and Brian dashed off to the store probably leaving us with the leader. We both turned to look at Wildcat who....still looked angry but better. "Dude, what was that all about?" Asked Mini. I looked at Evan and Jonathan who looked scared from Tyler's attitude.

Tyler broke into sobs and tears sliding to the ground slumped up against the wall. Mini walked over to him and sat beside him, I soon joined. "I-I just Miss them y'know." He was calmer but still shaking. "Yeah...we miss them too." said Mini.

Mini and I both waited for Tyler to calm down some more which seemed like forever when suddenly we all felt something warm wrap against us. Vanoss and Delirious were both Hugging us, they were still warm but looked slightly better. "I-It's okay, I'm sure they'll come back to you guys.....even if I don't know who they are, I hope they're okay." Delirious still sounded weak but he looked like he was getting better faster.....weird.

I now looked closer at the two....something was off. They look slightly different but I couldn't explain it. I have no clue what happened but I'm pretty sure that something about them changed.
Lui and the others soon returned with some medicine and gave it to Vanoss and Delirious. They felt better within minutes and they were both back to their normal selves. I know some things wrong with them, I can't put my finger on it though.

I leaned over to Mini "Is there something........ different about those two?" I whispered.

"Yeah....I thought I was the only one."

"What'chu guys whispering about?" Wildcat jumped in.

"Doesn't something seem off about Evan and Jonathan?"


We all looked at Vanoss and Delirious who were now being chased by Lui and David while Brian stood frozen in place. "What are you guys even doing?" Mini asked "Playing freeze tag Lui and Nogla are it!" Vanoss screamed running around and jumping over the couch. Nogla walked over and touched me on the shoulder "Now you have to stay frozen until Evan or Jonathan come to tag you."

So I wound up staying frozen in place until Delirious ran over and tagged me. I was free! Okay that was pretty childish but whatever. This is war I ran over and tagged Brian who screamed "FINALLY!" and then he ran away with Lui on his tail. I ran over to Delirious and scooped him over my shoulders. "ATTACK!!!!" I gave out a battle cry and knocked David onto the couch. Mini saw this and mimicked me putting Vanoss on his shoulders.

Vanoss and Delirious both giggled and tried to wack the others on the head. What was first freeze tag turned into something similar to chicken fight. We all wrestled each other until we lost our energy. Looking at the clock it read 8:57pm, wow how did time go by so fast?

"Okay children time for bed!" I yelled "awwww." They both responded.

"Why can't we stay up like you guy's?" Jonathan pouted "Man, I wish I was a grown up." Evan complained. Oh if only they knew that was a stab to the heart for me.

"Me too." I mumbled "It's getting late though so go to sleep please."

I lead them to the two beds Evan slept in one while Jonathan slept in the other. I really wish that this would go away and that everything would go back to normal. I drifted off into sleep laying beside little Jonathan.

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