Chapter 7 Me, children, and icecream

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Nogla's POV
We walked around for a bit until we sawA group of girls were talking to each other making all of us tense. Fangirls are the last thing we need at the moment. They were like predators and were at the bottom of the food chain.

"Go! Move! Now!" Mini hissed as he shoved all of us so we all picked up our pace now trying to nonchalantly speed walk away form them. Then we heard it a squeal of excitement. We tried to run but they were there. All of them.

"Omigosh! Is it really you?" The blone girl studied us "Yup." Lui replied with a sigh. Mini leaned twoards me and whispered "Well keep them busy, take the children and go." I nodded and walked over to Evan and Jonathan.

"Psst" they both turned and looked at me "Wanna go get some icecream?"

"Heck yeah!" Evan pumped his fist up in the air. "Okay." Jonathan simply replied.

We left pax to find an ice cream shop. Evan, Jonathan and I walked around for a bit until Delirious pulled my sleeve. "Look." He pointed across the street into a store that said "Bob's icecream parlor"

We walked across the street and entered the store. Inside was like every child's dream, the whole place looked like someone threw up skittles everywhere. The tables were small and had swirls all over them, to the right was all the ice cream. Wild berry blast, mint swirl, chocolate mountain, vanilla surprise, strawberry supreme, and the list just goes on.

Evan choose mint swirl while Jonathan choose strawberry supreme, I paid for it and we left a little afterwards. "Stay close kids, the streets are a dangerous place." Of course, I had to warn them for their own safety.

It was getting close to lunch time, I wonder where the others are. Ring. Hm? I picked up my phone, Mini was calling me. Boop. "Pick up the phone goshda- oh hey."

"Hello?" I asked, Evan and Jonathan are giving me weird looks. "Sigh Thank goodness you guys are okay." Mini sounded relived "Wait are you guys okay?! Is Evan and Jonathan with you?!" Oh my gosh this is actually kind of cute. "Craig, you sound like an overly protective mother. Calm down."

"Who's that?" Evan asked pointing to the phone. "It's Craig, he's just worried and asking where we are." Evan's face brightened up "Oh can we talk to him?" I put the phone on speaker for Evan and Jonathan. "Hi Craig! Can you hear me!? It's me Evan!" I'm pretty sure Mini's ears are bleeding now.

"Yes I can hear you Evan, is Jonathan there too?" I looked around and spotted him, he looked like he was thinking. "Yeah he's here just in his mind or something." I replied "Oh OK, where are you guys?" I looked around "Were at th-" Evan jumped in "Where at a park!" Evan can be a noisy kid "OK meet you there." Then Mini hung up.

I looked over at Jonathan who was now on top of a tree. I don't know why, but something about that worried me. "Jonathan! Could you get down please?" He was giggling and swinging his legs back and forth. "No way, this is fun!" That only encouraged him to climb higher. I pulled Evan back to avoid the same situation with him.

"Jonathan, please you could get hurt!" Oh great, now I sound like an overprotective mother. "Yeah Jonathan you could die!" I know Evan was trying to help but that seemed to make things worse. Panick and terror spreaded across the little boys face. He clung onto the tree for dear life. "Jonathan get down!" I yelled again.

He looked at me and shook his head furiously and hugged the breach tighter. "No! I'm gonna die!" Tears formed in his eyes and he started to cry. "David!" I turned around and saw Marcel and the others running towards me. Oh no wrong timing.

From the author: dun dun dun cliff hanger! Hey guys I'm planning on making these longer because they seem to short to me, the usual writing is around 600-700 words. I'm going to start writing to around 1000 or more words anyway, hope you guys are enjoying this so far. If you have ideas or questions, notify me I'd love to talk to some of you. I've already got most of the story planned out but I can squeeze in suggestions from some of you guys. Anyways bye! 0w0

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