"I brought my home made guacamole guys. You gotta try it". Amanda said making my stomach growl loudly. Everyone stared at me. "What? I'm hungry"  I said, making everyone laugh. Chichi let out a little giggle. So adorable.

"So we're all sleeping here tonight" 18 began. "Now, let's play games guys, its getting too boring here."

We player games for a few hours. It's currently 10:50pm and we decided to watch a movie since none of us want to go to bed yet.

"Scary movie!"
"No Comedy!"
"Who watches comedy at night?!" Bulma argued
"I do!" Amanda replied " and so does Chichi"
"Why don't we just watch anime?"
"Shut up you cartoon obsessed shorty" Vegeta spat

They all began to shout and argue about what to watch. I suddenly notice Chichi shaking beside me.

"Chi, are you okay?" I ask softly

She didn't reply. Instead, silent tears started to run down her face. I try to reach out to her but she flinched. She puts her head on her knees.

"M-make it stop. P-please. M-make it s-stop. I'll be g-good next t-t-time, j-just please make i-it s-stop" she started whispering, rocking herself back and forth while covering her ears I began to panic. The yelling became louder and she began to shake even more. I've had enough!  I though as I stand up


It became quiet. I sat next to Chichi.

"Chi, are you okay?"

"Oh shit, Chichi!" Amanda cursed and sat in front of Chi.

"Chichi, its okay. Can you hear me?" Amanda asked. She nods.

"Can I touch you?" She nods

Amanda slowly holds her hand.

"Look at me" She looks up slowly

"Breath in for 4, hold for 7, out for 4" she tries to do that but she starts to cry and shake violently

"No no no, don't cry. Just look at me" she looks at her again.

"Name 4 things you feel" Amanda  suddenly asked

"Y-your hands, my h-heartbeat, your breath a-and Goku's h-hand"

"Good, now name 3 things you can hear"

"The ac, m-my breathing and y-y-your v-voice" Chichi replies

I slowly move to sit in front of Chichi. Her eyes are a bit dilated and shaky

"Awesome, now name 2 things you can see"

"You and G-goku"

"Great. Now name one thing you love"

"Mum" she sighed

"Good job Chi." Amanda sighs in relief and hugs Chichi. "I'm so so sorry I let this happen" she said softly for only me and Chichi to hear. "I know horror movies triggers it and I just wanted to prevent it from happening but I only made it wor....."

"Mandy" she cuts her off


"I'm sleepy" She said.

"Okay, let's go to bed okay."

"I'm sorry" Chichi apologized softly. "I won't be able to hang with you and the others......"

"Its okay Chi, we can hang out tomorrow, okay?" Chichi nods

"Uppie?" Chichi asked Amanda and Amanda immediately stood up and carried Chichi bridal style out of the living room leaving everyone in shock.

I've never seen this happen to anyone before especially her. I'm so worried. I hope Chichi will be okay.

"She'll be fine" Amanda answered as if she read my mind.

"What happened to her? "Tien asked. Amanda sighed.

"She's been suffering from PTSD for a while now."

Bulma gasped. "How long?"

"Since last year. Its not in my place to say what caused it. She'll tell you herself when she's ready."

PTSD? What's that? Is it like a disease?
I wonder. I make a mental note to look it up later.

"So, what do we do now?" Krillin asked, breaking the silence.

"Let's just go to bed. I'm not in the mood for anything right now." 18 sighed. The sleepover isn't starting on a good note.

We all agree to just call it a night. Half the snacks have been eaten, the guacamole long gone. Bulma and 18 clean the living room while the rest of us arrange ourselves for bed.

"I brought you suckers pillows and blankets so y'all don't freeze to death" 17 said throwing the blanket pile on the ground in front of us. " two to one blanket. No funny business" he said looking ant Krillin and 18. Everyone laughs except me. I can't help but worry. I really hope Chichi's gonna be okay. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be better by tomorrow". Amanda said

" I know. But I just can't help but worry." I sigh.

"Just sleep it off okay? She'll be fine. Trust me." She pats my head.

"Has this happened before?" I ask softly

"Yeah. Its been happening a lot this year. Loud sounds and yelling are what triggers it the most. Just sleep Goku. She's strong. She'll be okay."

I nod lying down in my blanket and look around. Vegeta and Bulma share one blanket, Krillin and 18 in one, Tien is with Amanda, 17 went to his room which leaves me alone in my blanket.

Time goes by but I can't sleep. I check the time on my phone. 2:12am. That's it. I'm going to check on Chichi! With that in mind, I quietly get up and go to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water, I walk to my destination. 18's room.


Like I promised, another Chapter.  I had to divide it into two coz it'll be too long if I kept going. I found my motivation in StrayKids. Stan StrayKids guys!!!!! I don't know anything about PTSD and panic attacks so if I made any mistake or get something wrong or misinterpreted it in any way, please let me know, okay?
I am also trying to arrange a schedule for this book. Maybe once a month?

1732 words

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