𝐞𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝟎𝟐

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Finally when I manage to shove all my clothes back into the trunk, admittedly messier then I had them originally, it's time to go.

"Speak a word about my underwear to anyone and your dead Parkinson." I tell her under my breath as we walk through the corridors and up the stairs.

Pansy just shrugs and smirks before knocking on the door.

A muffled, "Come in!" Is the response before we swing the door open.

Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Theo, and Mattheo are there with the addition of a few people who I recognized as Adrian Pucey, Cassius Warrington, the Ravenclaw girl that Enzo was currently whispering sweet nothings to, surprisingly a Gryffindor girl who was quite cozy next to Theo and...

My on and off boyfriend, Graham Montague. He was a year above us and the two of us had been going out since 4th year. We were currently off, we'd ended things the middle of fifth year when he decided he needed to focus on Quidditch.

Though there were one or two hook ups in between then and now. Maybe more then a few. The showers, empty classrooms, my dorm, his..I would say our break up is very turbulent.

The relationship in its whole is turbulent.

Daphne takes a seat next to Blaise and Pansy plops herself in Draco's lap, guess their fight is over.

I mentally sigh when I realize the only open spot is in between Graham and Matheo.

Curse Merlin.

Trying to be as natural as possible I walk over and plop myself in the middle, trying to lean as much as possible towards Mattheo without being obvious.

Graham and I send each other a tight smile before refocusing on the group.

In the middle of the circle that we had sprawled ourselves into were bottles of fire whiskey, muggle liquor, and muggle herb that Theo and Mattheo had grown quite fond of.

"First night back." Enzo smiles after he pulls away from the girl next to him, "Let's celebrate!"

Everybody whoops in acknowledgment, shots are being poured and taken, Mattheo is rolling the herb in some type of paper while he smokes a cigarette.

He leans close to me, "Lick a line right here for me." His finger motions to the edge of the paper, I nod sticking out my tongue and leaving a wet streak across the brown paper.

"Thanks love." He grumbles before going back to rolling it.

I'm in my own world while I'm watching everybody.

Though I'm effectively knocked out of it when I hear Graham to my right.

"Shot?" He asks holding the bottle out for me.

I smile at him, he was always kind to me.

Nodding he motions for me to open my mouth and I do as told, the amber liquid dribbling into my mouth before he pulls away.

The burn is strong as I swallow it, my face contorting at the taste of the liquor.

"Never gets easier." I mutter.

𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 - 𝐭.𝐧जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें