Chapter 8

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Author's note: Keens Steakhouse has been around since 1885.

As she got closer to her destination, Olivia slowed her pace. At exactly 9PM, she opened the door to Keens Steakhouse, and walked inside.She spotted Serena Benson right away, and walked over to her. "Hello mother." Olivia said, sitting down across from Serena.
"I didn't think you were going to show up." Serena replied, with no emotion. She took a sip of wine from her almost empty glass.

"I worked until 8, I'm sorry, I'm late." Olivia said.
"If you had listened to me, and become a teacher, you would have Saturdays off. You didn't, you had to become a cop." Serena drained her glass, and waved the waiter over.
"Are you ready to order ma'am?"
"I want a bottle of whatever was in this glass." Serena answered. The young man nodded, and left.

"You're a professor at a University, don't tell me you don't work on weekends." Olivia said, trying hard not to sound defensive.

The waiter returned, and dropped the bottle of Masseto red wine on the table. "I'll be back to take your order. He said, giving Olivia a million dollar smile.

"Thank-you." Olivia answered. The waiter smiled again, before walking away.

"Pig." Serena said, when he disappeared. She opened the bottle and poured herself a glass.
"Mother, please don't. " Olivia said, softly.
"Don't what? Do you see how he looked at you?" Serena hissed. "That's your problem, you don't see. you're blind."
"I see just fine, mother", Olivia said. At that moment, she saw the waiter, and she was grateful.
"What would you like ma'am?" The waiter asked, Serena.
"I'll have the T-bone, rare with a baked potato." Serena answered, coldly. He jotted down the order, and turned to Olivia.

"And you?" He asked, Olivia.

"A burger, medium-well, with fries, and an ice tea, no sugar." Olivia answered.The waiter jotted down the order, and gave Olivia another smile, before turning on his heel, and walking away.
"You look exhausted, Olivia." Serena said.

"I'm fine." Olivia said, without thinking. She silently watched her mother finish her glass of wine, and pour another.
"Have you lost weight?" Serena asked.

"It's possible." Olivia answered.

"You look like you have. You're too skinny."
"I'm fine." Olivia repeated, softly .
"I wish you would get out of that sex crimes unit. You're going to get yourself raped." Serena said, draining her wine again, and pouring another glass.

"I'm fine, mother. I'm careful. I'm good at my job."
Serena laughed, bitterly as a plate was placed in front of her. "Here you go, ma'am, enjoy." The waiter said. He then quickly placed Olivia's plate in front of her. "Enjoy!" He said, his voice dropping.
"Thank-you." Olivia said, politely

"Get away from her!" Serena yelled at him. "Go!"
"Mother, please." Olivia said, embarrassed.
"What?" She screamed, as the waiter ran from the table. Selena suddenly focused her eyes on Olivia's gray blazer. "Where did you buy that? It's awful. Gray isn't your color."
"I didn't have time to change." Olivia defended herself. She reached for the bottle on the table.
"What are you doing?" Serena asked, agitated.
"I was going to pour myself a glass." Olivia answered, there was a wine glass next to her ice tea.
"Take your hands off of it. "
"I was just going to take a glass." Olivia replied.
"No!" Serena said. Olivia's hands swiftly left the bottle. She took a sip of her unsweetened ice tea, and a bite of her burger. She doubted she would be able to finish it. "What low life are you dating now?"

"Who says I'm dating a low life?" Olivia questioned, placing her burger on her plate.

"You always date low lives." You're a low life magnet."
"I'm not dating anyone."
"Good." Serena said, feeling satiated Olivia listened to Serena rant for the next hour. After an hour, Olivia stood up from the table, she was ready to leave. "Let's go mother, I won't leave you here, and I have to go home."
"No! I'm not going anywhere." Serena replied, pouring the last of the bottle into her glass.

"Let's go." Olivia said. Serena finished her glass. "Let's go, Olivia repeated.
"You look so much like your father!" Serena yelled. Olivia silently stepped up to her mother's chair, and pulled her to her feet. Selena leaned on her for support. "I'm not going anywhere!" She yelled as Olivia moved them to the front of the restaurant. Olivia could feel all eyes on them, and her cheeks burned with frustration, and embarrassment. Olivia quickly paid the bill, and walked out, hailing a cab moments later.

The cab ride was emotionally draining, but when the cab came to a stop, Olivia helped her mother out, and upstairs to bed. "You're a monster!" Serena screamed as Olivia turned off her mother's bedroom light.

Olivia wanted more than anything to go home to her apartment, but she found herself sleeping on Serena's sofa, in case she was needed.  As soon as her mother sobered up, Olivia would go home.

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