Chapter 3

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Rafael sat in an uncomfortable chair at another fashion show, silently cursing himself for giving in to Adria. It had been a week since she had come home at 4 in the morning. The next day she was so attentive. Neither of them had said another word about it. Rafael, just wanted to forget about it.
Now, he clapped his hands when necessary but his mind drifted elsewhere. He wondered what the verdict would be in his latest trial, he thought about calling his mother when this terrible show was over, and then he caught himself wondering how Olivia was doing at her fairly new job. He felt guilty, when his mind stayed on that thought. .Adria was sitting right next to him. Her loud enthusiastic clapping called him back to the present.
He suddenly felt her clutching his arm, he turned in his seat to face her. "Rafi, thank-you, thank-you!""I just want to make you happy." Rafael answered."This is so great!" Rafi, I can work here, and then I can get my clothing line off the ground!" Adria said in a rush."I know!" He said, with a smile, excited for her. He spent another $800 on this fashion show, so that Adria would have a networking opportunity, and he would never regret helping her with her career. He loved her. Adria currently worked for Valerie Heart, an up-in-coming fashion designer."You know I hate working for Valerie!""I know, but don't tell anyone that tonight." Rafael advised.I deserve my own line! My own company!""I know. You're working on it, It'll get there". He said, reaching for her hand."I gotta go network." She said, rising from her seat, walking away from him. He watched her as her hips swayed, and she practically danced over to almost every other man in the room. She was not good at professional flirting, but she would get the hang of it, Rafael told himself after 15 minutes of watching her work the room. He felt the urge to introduce himself, but he prided himself on not being a possessive man . The last time he had tried to network with her and for her, she had yelled at him, she said he had embarrassed her with his lack of knowledge. Rafael knew his fair share about fashion, He felt a wave of insecurity hit him, he pushed it away, and allowed his mind to drift away again,
"Rafi, I said my goodbyes, let's go home, babe," Adria said, 3 hours later, calling him out of his imagination. He took her hand, and they exited the store together. Adria didn't speak to him until they were driving, and almost home. Isabella may hire me!" "That's great, Adria, I'm so proud of you!"


"Are you happy Adria?" Rafael asked an hour after they returned to the apartment from the fashion show. They were getting ready to go to sleep. Adria was rubbing lotion into her arms. She placed the lotion down, and kissed him."Yes, Rafi, I'm so happy with you. I'm not happy with my job right now." She replied after she broke the Luke-warm kiss.
"I know, I wish I could fix it.""You take such good care of me. Goodnight Rafi. I'm going to sleep." She said, shutting the lamp on her bedside table. She turned away from him, and faced the wall.
Rafael sighed, before shutting his lamp. He moved from sitting position to sleeping position. "We have plans with Eddie and Gisele tomorrow."I can't, Rafi. Valerie needs me to work.""Next Saturday then? Or Sunday?""We'll see, Rafi""OK." He answered softly. He waited until she was asleep, then he carefully left the bed, he walked to his briefcase. Within a few minutes, he was working.


Olivia finally made it home, closing and locking the door behind her with an exhausted sigh. She hadn't been home in 2 days. She had napped in the cribs at the 1-6 when possible, and lived on bad coffee. She walked slowly to her kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out some leftover turkey. It was still good. She grabbed a paper plate, and placed the turkey on it. She drank some water, and ate the turkey slices at the kitchen counter. She smiled a little, knowing that on her newest case no one lost their life, and she got the bad guy before he could rape.

She slowly walked into her bedroom, and drew the shades, keeping the sun out. She walked into her bathroom and showered, washing away the last 2 days. She put on an oversized Siena College sweatshirt. As she climbed into bed, Rafael Barba, the stranger with good advice came to her mind, he was still on her mind as she quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

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