Chapter 4 - The Bonding

Start from the beginning

Rex shifted to look into Madison's deep brown eyes, gently tucking back a strand of her wind-tousled chestnut hair behind her ear. Madison's gaze flitted down to Rex's lips then back up to meet his green eyes as she gave a faint smile.

Slowly, Rex lifted his hand to cradle Madison's delicate face, his thumb tenderly caressing her flushed cheek. He leaned in closer, eyes searching hers for a moment before he gently pressed his lips to hers in a soft, lingering kiss.

Madison's eyes fluttered shut as she leaned into the kiss, sighing contentedly. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders while one of Rex's hands slid to the nape of her neck, long fingers entwining themselves in her silky hair.

As the kiss deepened, Madison felt as though she were melting into Rex's arms. When they finally and reluctantly parted, Rex kept his forehead resting against hers, his thumb continuing to stroke her cheek.

"How was that for you?" he asked softly, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

Madison glanced down shyly, a rosy blush blooming on her cheeks. "It was wonderful. My first kiss actually..." she admitted.

Rex's eyes widened slightly in surprise before softening with affection. "Then I'm sincerely honored to have been your first," he said, his voice rich with emotion. "And I hope not your last."

Madison shook her head, smiling bashfully as Rex tenderly pulled her close once more.

As dusk deepened into night, Madison rested her head against Rex's sturdy shoulder. He casually wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her tucked protectively into his side.

They sat in tranquil silence as the vibrant colors of sunset shifted to twilight's rich purples and blues. A refreshing ocean breeze caressed Madison's skin as she nestled deeper into the security of Rex's warmth.

Rex's thumb gently stroked her arm, eliciting a pleasant shiver down her spine. She glanced up at him and they exchanged a soft, knowing smile.

Slowly, Madison laced her slender fingers through Rex's, relishing the contrast of his cloth glove against her skin. In response, Rex gave her hand a tender, affectionate squeeze. They turned their attention back to the darkening horizon just as the full moon began to crest luminously above the glittering ocean swells.

As darkness fell over the pier, the streetlamps flickered on one by one, bathing Rex and Madison in a soft glow.

Rex and Madison reluctantly stood from the weathered bench, though their hands remained clasped, neither wanting to end their romantic time together just yet.

"I wish we could stay here on this pier forever, just like this," Madison said wistfully as they resumed their leisurely stroll.

Rex gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We have tonight," he pointed out gently. "And hopefully many more nights after this one, if you'll still have me."

Madison grinned up at him. "I think I just might," she replied playfully.

When they finally reached the end of the pier, Rex's limousine was still waiting patiently for them, his chauffeur standing dutifully at attention by the rear door.

Before getting in, Rex turned to face Madison, taking both her delicate hands in his. "Would you like to come back to my home for a bit? We could spend a little more time together, perhaps talk...or not talk," he added with a slightly bashful half-smile.

Madison felt her heart flutter at the invitation. "I'd really love that," she answered sincerely.

Rex's smile widened. He gallantly opened the limo door and gestured for Madison to slide across the plush leather interior. Once she was settled, he followed and sat close beside her, signaling the chauffeur they were ready.

Yugioh 5DS: A Chance Encounter (Rex x OC)Where stories live. Discover now