Chapter 4 - The Bonding

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Madison and Rex had been seeing each other for a couple weeks. Though they were taking things slowly, a genuine closeness was blossoming between them.   

One evening, Madison's phone lit up with Rex's name lighting up the screen. She smiled and answered warmly, "Hello there." 

"Good evening, Madison," Rex replied, his gentle voice instantly soothing her. "How are you on this fine night?"

"Wonderful now that I'm talking to you," Madison said sincerely. 

She could hear the smile in Rex's voice as he chuckled softly. "I'm very glad to hear that. I was thinking, since it's such a mild, beautiful evening, perhaps you'd like to join me for a leisurely stroll along the pier?"

Madison's heart leapt at the romantic invitation. "That sounds absolutely perfect!" she responded eagerly.

"Excellent. I'll pick you up in half an hour if that works for you?" Rex offered politely.

"I'll be ready and waiting," Madison confirmed happily.

After ending the call, Madison took a deep, contented breath and made her way to her bedroom. She stood in front of her open closet for a few minutes, contemplating what stylish yet comfortable outfit would be perfect for their seaside stroll.

Eventually she decided on a chic black sleeveless blouse paired with fitted shorts that showed off her toned legs. She slipped on delicate white strappy sandals and spent extra time perfecting her wavy chestnut hair and natural makeup, adding a swipe of mascara to make her brown eyes pop. Satisfied, she sprayed on a light, summery perfume.

Precisely on time, she heard Rex knock at her door. Madison's heart fluttered with anticipation as she went to answer it. When she opened the door, Rex's green eyes lit up at the sight of her.

"Madison, you look absolutely stunning this evening," he remarked, admiring her from head to toe.

Madison felt a rosy blush rise to her cheeks at the flattering compliment. "Thank you, Rex. You look very handsome as always," she replied warmly.

When they arrived at the pier, Rex's chauffeur smoothly parked the limousine and came around to open Madison's door. The refreshing salty sea breeze and soothing sound of the ocean waves washing beneath the wooden planks greeted them as they stepped out. 

"Let's walk all the way to the end of the pier if you'd like," Rex suggested, gently taking Madison's hand and linking his fingers with hers.

Madison's heart swelled happily at the casual intimacy of holding his hand. They strolled leisurely down the pier, the boards creaking gently under their steps. Madison took in the magnificent sun-kissed ocean vista spread out before them. Seagulls cried overhead as the glowing golden light of dusk reflected off the shimmering turquoise water.

In the distance, the incomplete Daedalus Bridge stretched partially across the bay, an ever-present reminder of the segregation between the utopian city and Satellite's residents. Someday, Madison dreamed, the bridge would unite both sides.

They chatted about the small yet meaningful moments of their day and shared stories from their past, laughing together as memories surfaced. 

As Madison and Rex reached the end of the pier, they settled onto a wooden bench facing the sunset's vibrant glow reflecting off the shimmering waves.

Rex softly draped his arm around Madison's shoulders, inviting her to nestle against his firm yet comforting embrace. Madison happily obliged, resting her head in the nook of his shoulder.

After a few moments, Rex spoke in a hushed tone. "I know we've only known each other a short while, and yet I feel as though I've known you forever."

Madison's heart swelled at his meaningful words. "I feel the same way," she replied sincerely, touched by the depth of his emotions.

Yugioh 5DS: A Chance Encounter (Rex x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt