Part 13: The Beginning

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OJ covered his mouth and dropped his axe at Paper's comment. Vellum laughed at his display of grief.

"What? Did you really think his last words wouldn't be lies?? God, you're so stupid, OJ!"

"I- I killed my best friend.."

As the realization hit him of everything he's been doing, he dropped to the ground, starting to sob. He  hadn't felt remorse, empathy, or even pity for any of his victims. The only one he thought about was Bomb, and that guy betrayed him in the first season! He dared to call them friends.

But he changed.

OJ hadn't realized during his rampage, but Bomb changed. He stopped being a bad person. The first season started 15 years ago!

And he called him a liar.
He called him a bad person.
Bomb didn't deserve that.

Candle, Bomb, Yin-Yang, Balloon, Paper. He didn't know half of them that well. All he knows is that most of them weren't bad people. They were good. They-

"Stop choking up, you big baby. Wahhh wahh wah, I just killed someone! I can't cope with my actions, wahhhh!!"
Vellum was making crybaby hand motions, staring at OJ as if to pressure him. OJ stared back.

"How could you- Why did you-"

"Me? This was all you! You followed my lead, and now look! You're just like me, OJ! You killed them all, just like me. I bet you hate yourself for this, don't you? You must want to kill me. You already did, though!"

OJ stood, his heart beating quickly as he stared at Vellum. "WHY AREN'T YOU GONE!? I KILLED YOU, WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE AWAY?? LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

"Well, just because you killed that son of a bitch doesn't mean I'll ever stop haunting you. I love you, JJ.."
His eyes watched OJ's, his face showing underlying malintent.

OJ wanted him dead. It's all his fault. He forced him to kill those people! OJ crossed his arms angrily, looking on the verge of madness. He wanted to get away from him. He wanted to get away from all of this, he wanted-


He started up the stairs.

"Woah, OJ, where are you going? Gonna kill more people? Count me in! Let's-"

He walked up past the 3rd floor.

"Heh, wow, you're really picky with your victims now, huh?"

He walked up past the 4th floor.


He walked up past the 5th floor.


He walked up past the 6th floor and onto the roof.

"OJ, please."

He headed near the edge, sitting. Vellum floated near him.

"OJ, why are you up here. Answer me."

"Just wanted to watch the sunset, Vellum. Just wanted to watch it."

He smiled, looking out on the horizon. Vellum stared in the same direction, red and scarlet hues beginning to burst across the sky. Vellum tensed up a bit as the sun rose. The sky started to ease into a pink-ish hue, the yellow undertones from the light complimenting it and showing off the beautiful scenery of Inanimate Island. OJ seemed so calm..

Suddenly, he stood, and Vellum stared at him.

"What're you doing."

Oj stepped a bit closer to the edge, looking down.

"I'm seeing Paper again. I trust you'll be down there, too."

As he seemed to lean over the rooftop, his legs gave out, as if he'd been too tired to function. He soared through the air, and everything seemed to go into slow motion. The grass came closer to him, and he couldn't help but tear up as the last thought that crossed him rang and echoed in his head.

"I'm so sorry, Pickle."



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