Part 3: The Stressing

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OJ began to stay in his office to avoid Paper, keeping the door locked at all times. Anytime someone knocked on his door, he wouldn't answer. He started to wake up early to get food and drinks for the day. It wasn't easy, but anything to stay away from that.. thing.

Paper knocked at his door.
"OJ? I know you're in there.. Come out."
He shivered. No response.
"OJ, please- I'm worried. I know you said not to, but you haven't come out in almost a week. What's wrong?"
No response.
"Oh gosh, maybe he isn't even in there. You're just making a fool of yourself, Paper. Stupid, stupid- Whatever. OJ, please. Come out. I miss you."
Footsteps could be heard from outside the door. OJ's posture softened as he breathed a sigh of relief. That was close. Maybe he should take a nap.

He laid back on his chair and started to sleep...

He found himself in a dark room. He felt around, but there wasn't anything he could feel. He touched a hand to the floor, and it disappeared beneath him. He felt so scared, covering his face. When he uncovered it, a red light started coming closer to him.

"You can't run, OJ.. I'll find you."

As it got closer, OJ held in a scream. It looked so familiar. He wanted to scream, but his throat felt clogged up. The light giggled.

"Cat got your tongue~? God, you're pathetic. Look around, OJ."

OJ looked around as the light commanded, and it looked like.. his office? But this was a dream! He's asleep! Right? He attempted to get up, finding it difficult to even move. The light stepped back, giggling still.

"Good luck with knowing I can find you anywhere. By the way, nobody is safe anymore with me here. I'll make you all suffer for what you did to me. What you said about me. You'll never be able to feel relief anymore without remembering I'm here. Ta-ta!~"

The light opened the door and left. OJ held the rim of his cup, breathing heavily.
"Ev-Evil- Evil Paper, oh god. H-He's going to kill me. He's going to kill everyone.. I'm screwed."
He felt overwhelmed. God, what was gonna happen? He looked at a clock. 5:39 pm. How long did he sleep?? It felt like 4 hours at most.. He got up to lock the door, finding it unlocked. So it wasn't just a dream. Oh no.

A shiver goes down his spine as the situation sets in fully.

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