Kitten / Catwalk

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Kitten and Y/N had been inseparable since their childhood days, their friendship bound by a unique and profound understanding of each other. As they grew older, Kitten's journey to embrace her true self began to unfold, and she bravely started expressing her femininity. However, this decision was met with adversity, as people in their small town were not accustomed to seeing transgender women.

Despite the hate and prejudice that Kitten faced, Y/N remained a steadfast and unwavering supporter. To her, Kitten was still the same person she had known and loved since they were kids. She saw no difference in her friend, only a newfound strength and authenticity shining through.

One day, seeking solace and freedom from judgment, they found themselves once again in the familiar refuge of an old barn, hidden from the prying eyes of society. Here, they had created a haven where they could indulge in their shared passion for playing "cat walk" , a cherished ritual they had enjoyed since their youth. In this sanctuary, they could escape from the harsh reality and immerse themselves in the world they had always dreamed of. 

Y/N sat comfortably on a bed of hay, her eyes sparkling with delight as she watched Kitten strut down the makeshift runway. Kitten exuded confidence and charisma, adorned in a stylish fedora, sleek sunglasses, and a beautiful yellow dress adorned with delicate flowers. It was a dress she had carefully chosen to reflect her blossoming identity. As if by magic, Kitten had even managed to sneak her mother's high heels, which she wore with grace and poise. With every step, Kitten's gracefulness and elegance were evident, and she radiated an aura of self-assurance that left Y/N in awe. 

The barn echoed with Y/N's enthusiastic applause, appreciating her friend's courage and embracing the dazzling vision before her. Kitten's confidence in expressing herself as she truly was inspired Y/N, and she felt proud to be a part of this magical moment.In that barn, surrounded by hay and a profound bond, Kitten and Y/N transcended the limitations society imposed upon them.

As Y/N took her place on the makeshift runway, a rush of exhilaration washed over her. She had watched Kitten strut and pose with such grace and charm, and now it was her turn to embrace the spotlight. Wearing the business suit, tie, and matching hat, Y/N felt a newfound sense of confidence. She embodied the persona of a powerful businesswoman, and with every step she took, she felt like she owned the world.

The imaginary crowd responded with enthusiastic whistles and applause, showering her with appreciation. Y/N couldn't help but revel in the moment, basking in the glow of her imaginary admirers. The experience was unlike anything she had felt before, and she understood why Kitten cherished these moments so much.

As Kitten joined her on the stage once again, their connection felt even more profound. They walked side by side, each step bringing them closer together. And then, in an unexpected moment of serendipity, they accidentally bumped into each other. Y/N could feel Kitten's arms enveloping her shoulders, and her own hands found their place on Kitten's waist.

In that instant, their bodies were so close that Y/N could feel the softness of Kitten's breath against her skin. Their faces were mere inches apart, and time seemed to slow down. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them in this intimate space they had created. It was in this moment of closeness that Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she realized that her feelings for Kitten went beyond mere friendship. A realization washed over her, and she was suddenly aware of the depth of her affection for her lifelong friend. It was as if the veil had been lifted, and she saw Kitten in a whole new light.

Kitten's smile only added to the magic of the moment. As she leaned in to place a tender kiss on Y/N's cheek, leaving behind a beautiful lipstick mark, Y/N's heart soared. The kiss felt like a mark of ownership, as if Kitten was claiming her affectionately.Y/N's mind was filled with a mix of emotions, surprise, joy, and a hint of nervousness. She wasn't sure what this revelation meant for their friendship, but she couldn't deny the overwhelming warmth she felt in her heart. Their imaginary world had become a realm where they could explore not only their dreams but also the depths of their emotions.

As Kitten rested her head on Y/N's shoulder, a mixture of emotions and uncertainty filled the air. Y/N's heart was still racing from the realization of her feelings, but she knew she had to find the right words to express herself.

"You look very beautiful," Y/N finally managed to say, a genuine compliment that felt inadequate for the moment but was the best she could muster.

Kitten turned her gaze towards Y/N, her eyes reflecting vulnerability and hope. The connection between them seemed to intensify, and Y/N felt a rush of affection as she held Kitten's hand, their fingers interlacing in a gesture of unity and support. The words that came next from Kitten were heartfelt and genuine, causing Y/N's heart to swell with emotion. 

"You complete me," Kitten admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, but it resonated deeply within Y/N's soul.

Meeting Kitten's gaze, Y/N saw the desire and recognition in her eyes. The tension between them was palpable, and they both understood the unspoken truth that lay between their hearts. With some hesitation, Kitten leaned in, her breath brushing against Y/N's lips. In that moment, Y/N's heart soared, and all doubts vanished. 

She leaned in as well, their lips meeting in a tender, emotional kiss. It was as if the universe had aligned to bring them together in this intimate moment, where all that mattered was the love they shared. Their lips melted together, and time seemed to stand still as they savored the enchanting sweetness of the kiss. It was a kiss like no other they had ever experienced before, filled with the depth of their emotions, the magic of their connection, and the promise of a love that transcended boundaries.

As they finally pulled away, their eyes locked in a shared understanding of what had just transpired. The barn, once a place of imaginative play, had become the setting for a moment of profound discovery and love. Their hearts were now entwined, and they knew that this newfound love would forever change the course of their lives.

With their hands still intertwined, they walked out of the barn, hearts brimming with love and excitement for the journey that lay ahead. The world outside might not always be kind or accepting, but they knew they had each other, and that was enough to face whatever challenges came their way. Their love story had taken an unexpected turn, but it was a turn they embraced with all their hearts. And as they walked hand in hand, they knew that their love would continue to blossom and flourish, just like the flowers that adorned Kitten's beautiful yellow dress.

Cillian Murphy Oneshots /imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now