Neil Lewis/ Mr. Guitarist

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The doorbell chimed, filling the quiet atmosphere of Y/N's home with a pleasant sound. Curious, she hurried to the door and swung it open to find Neil Lewis, the taller brunette she had come to know well, standing there with a warm smile. In his hands, he held a beautiful bouquet of roses, a gesture that surprised Y/N immensely.

"Are those for the girl you want to impress?" Y/N playfully inquired, knowing that Neil had once asked her for guitar lessons to win over his crush. To her surprise, he had dedicated those flowers to her instead.

"Actually no," Neil responded,

 "these are meant as a thank you for the free guitar lessons." Y/N couldn't help but feel touched by the thoughtful gesture as she let him into her home.

Neil settled on the cozy sofa while Y/N found a vase to display the roses. As she arranged the flowers, she mustered the courage to have an honest conversation with him. 

"Neil, I have to be honest with you. I think I can't help you much longer. You've learned almost everything I know."A hint of disappointment crept into Neil's voice as he tried to refute her statement.

 "No, no, no. I'm sure there's more. I can barely play ten songs yet, and my techniques aren't as perfect as yours," he stammered, seeking excuses to continue their private lessons.Y/N turned to face him, their eyes meeting.

 "Those are just things you can practice on your own. It's not like I could really help you with that,"The room was filled with a moment of silence, and Neil finally sighed, acknowledging the truth of her words. With a playful glint in her eye, Y/N teased,

 "Well, now you can impress your crush, Mr. Guitarist."Y/N said to better the atmosphere between them which was answered by Neil chuckling, his smile returning. She sat down next to him on the couch and the mood shifted to something saddening again, knowing their hang out sessions had no purpose anymore.

The bittersweet taste of their time together lingered in the air. Y/N cherished every moment, enjoying Neil's company, and savoring the connection they had developed as friends over the past months. However, her heart was heavy with the truth she had kept hidden, her growing feelings for Neil. 

"What? Are you sad about our sessions coming to an end?" Y/N asked, as she noticed his disappointed expression.

"But now you can impress your crush, and then she'll see how talented and amazing you are," she said, trying to mask her pain with a smile.

"I hoped she would've noticed that by now," Neil responded, his voice heavy with disappointment, an emotion Y/N rarely heard from him.She couldn't help but wonder why his crush hadn't recognized his talents. 

"She hasn't noticed? That's surprising," Y/N replied, genuinely surprised that someone could be so blind to Neil's incredible abilities and the wonderful person he was.Neil sighed and revealed the sad truth

 "Well, she just said we can't see each other anymore."The words hit Y/N like a sudden gust of wind, leaving her speechless and confused.

"Wait, what do you mean?" she stuttered, her heart pounding in her chest.

The air around them suddenly felt charged with tension as Neil's words still hung in the air. Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she could hardly believe what she was hearing. Could it be true? Did Neil have feelings for her all this time? Her mind raced with emotions, her feelings of both joy and fear intertwining.

"I am...?" Y/N stammered, feeling a mix of vulnerability and excitement.

"You are" Neil confirmed, his voice steady as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"You're the one I've been trying to impress all along."

A flood of emotions washed over Y/N, and her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. It was as if the world around them faded, leaving only the two of them in that moment.
Their eyes met, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. The weight of unspoken emotions that they had both been carrying for so long suddenly felt lighter.
Y/N couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. The room seemed to buzz with electricity as they navigated this uncharted territory together.

Their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss, their hearts racing with excitement and joy. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the warmth of each other's embrace.As they pulled away, their eyes locked, and they exchanged soft smiles, feeling an unspoken understanding between them. Neil's heart was filled with gratitude for Y/N's willingness to take a chance on their love. He no longer needed to assume that she didn't feel the same way.

Y/N's heart was overwhelmed with happiness, knowing that she had found someone who appreciated her for who she was and reciprocated her feelings. They spent the rest of the day wrapped up in each other's arms, their love and affection growing with every passing moment. Guitar lessons were indeed replaced by romantic dates and cozy evenings on the sofa. They laughed together, sharing stories and dreams as they bonded on a deeper level. Their love for music continued to play a significant role in their relationship, as they would often serenade each other with sweet melodies.

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