Robert Fischer// What is reality?

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Not knowing if the inception is over, Robert decides to just risk it all and go after his urge to be with her


A kick woke him up, as if he was falling in a pitch black hole which swallows every bit of hope. A nightmare. It was terrible to be reminded of his father's death. It was like a punch in the face for him to get remembered of his father's disappointment. The disgrace in his words just as he was dying were so bitter and cold but his dream made him thoughtful. Robert made the decision to live his own life instead of just continuing his fathers business. Perhaps it was the first time in his life where he could ask himself what he wanted. In his dreamworld structured by his subconsciousness he saw a face. It was his assistant he noticed. Maybe it was the first time he noticed her. In his dream she was part of the Operation and even though he couldn't control it, he still felt his chest cramping as if he got flustered full of emotions towards her. It felt like she was part of his subconscious. Robert had so many questions unanswered such as he words of Cobb which still confuses him. Robert wasn't even sure who that man was but his idea wandered beneath his mind. Inception? A dream inside a dream? How could that even be possible. Almost not capable of understanding the depth behind all of it he yet still woke up. Was it over?

Robert was more quiet than usual, still thinking about his experiences in his dream. While sitting in his office a knock on the door disturbed the silence.

"I've got your coffee Mr. Fischer, Just as you like it" A feminine soft voice was heard. It made him look up followed by glancing in her eyes.

"Thank you Y/N" Robert uttered more bashful than normal. As if a switch was turned he now noticed everything he missed all the time she worked for him. Her hair,her voice, her smile and her clothes. Even the hand movement while putting the coffee on the table in front of him wasn't unnoticed.

"Is everything alright Mr Fischer? Can i do anything else for you?" She asked with a tone of apprehension in her voice. She must've caught him staring.

"No no I'm fine
By the way you can call me Robert, Y/N" He added. A face gesture of confusion appeared which followed by a friendly smile.

"Okay Robert let me know if you need anything else" She answered while heading out the door once again as she does everyday. To hear his name out of her mouth, formed by those Beautiful lips intimidated him a little. It was an odd feeling he couldn't explain. To say the least all his dedication always went to the company of his father leaving no time for living a normal life besides from work.

Fischer had an important meeting for the will of his company. To say "his" Company still left a bitter taste in his mouth but soon it would vanish from the market anyway. The meeting was full of judgemental eyes and critical words yet he wanted to focus on himself as a person. One thought never left his mind. What if this was still the surreal, the dreamworld projected by his brain without him even knowing. He lost touch to reality and couldn't make out if that was all his own mind playing jokes or if this is all happening. This paranoiac thought has grown over the past few days ever since he woke up. After the exhausting meeting he got back to his office, sitting down in his chair as his ,now personal, assistant followed.

"Is everything alright Sir?"

His face hidden in his hands as he replied.

"Yes i just feel a bit exhausted. My father's death still gets to me"

She took place on the other side of the table in the chair in front.

" I get that, i am very sorry you have to go through that"

Her voice showed empathy which made Robert feel understood. He knew he wasn't alone with the situation.

"Do you think this is real?"
His assistant raised an eyebrow of the, out of context reply.

"What do you mean Robert?"

He sighed and looked up into her eyes answering the glare of confusion.
" What if all we do doesn't matter because we're just dreaming. What if we all only wait until we wake up."

Not exactly understanding what he meant by that she just wanted to calm him down. He seemed to be confused and she felt pity for him.

"I can assure you, this is real. We are in the real world. You are not sleeping sir."

He sighed once again. Robert wanted to believe her, he really does but he just couldn't shake the idea off of being in his subconscious. He wants to feel alive and he wanted it now. Robert leaned over his desk, his lips meeting the ones of her. It was not a decision but an urge he just gave in to. He imagined to kiss her for a while now and if he is just dreaming it doesn't matter anyway. Robert decided to risk it to feel flustered, to feel his heart melt, to feel her. The kiss caught her off guard but it didn't take long until she kissed him back. She knew she was only working for him but she secretly evolved feelings for him a long while ago. Their hearts hammered against their ribcage and after their kiss found an end they glared at each other, processing what just happened.

" I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that" A breeze of guilt layered on him. What if she was married or is already seeing someone? What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if that was the wrong decision?

"No it's fine it just surprised me a little" she replied with a smile on her so beautiful lips.

"Can you do that again?"

Even Robert had a small smile on his lips what was followed by him putting a hand on her warm soft cheek. This time she leaned in for a kiss. The kiss intensity grew by every second and as their chest collapsed against each other they got interrupted by a knock on the door. It felt like being pulled out of a perfect dream.

Fuck the 5pm appointment.

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