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RIDDLE is pissed off with you. End of story. Why..why are you so smart but you can't dedicate any of it to your studies?! It doesn't matter anyways, he's going to make you apply yourself to the most representable student he can make you.

He came into a room once and you were asleep in the table. This is going to be a problem clearly and he's not having it. He wonders where all the energy you should Ah e gotten from sleep goes so many times it's actually scary.

As his s/o he expects you to have a healthy schedule, aside from sleep it comes to the point sometimes you don't even wake up for a meal! Remember that time you didn't attend the unbirthday party? That's when he found out.

You actually have really good grades..how could this be possible! You don't even wake up to shower at times so how is it that you could have done the work? After his overbolt he cut you some slack.

Whenever he gets chased down by Floyd he goes to you first because first you serve a good distraction, and it's not like you wake up when you're being squeezed. He feels bad but what has it be done must be down for survival.

TREY actively spoils you and it shouldn't even be fair at this rate. He's just such a good boyfriend.

You're too tired to walk? Easy you are now being carried with your pillow around campus for classes. He doesn't ask you for help on your work as often since he's also pretty smart, yet when he doesn't understand he just goes to riddle instead. As much as he loves you just fall asleep before he could get half of question 2 in.

He wakes you up for breakfast and everything just like riddle but he isn't as strict about it. He lets you sleep in 3 minutes late or so before dragging you to wherever.

When he found out you were a demon he took to it a bit lightly than anyone else..not really but still the shock was still there. He doesn't mind at all since you don't do anything bad and you're too lazy to do anything productive.

CATER just bothers you 25/8. He likes to send to help out the first years to keep you on your toes but it's not like it works anyways since you just fall asleep anyways.

At some point you just bit him because he was annoying you. "Hey..sweetheart did you just..bite me?" He said with his eye twitching slightly as you hugged your pillow.

He was on live and it just so happened to not be your happy day. "Ion know, did I?" You said with lidded eyes ready to drift off again.

guess who wasn't allowed to have their favorite pillow for hours. Yes it was you goddamnit.

He likes to feed you cute little things at cafe's and post it on Magicam. One was a cute little photo was over 1million views that had frosting on your nose while looking at the camera with a pout.

Safe to say he gatekept you for a month since people wouldn't stop trying to advance on you.

ACE was 2 months into the relationship but then found out you were a demon. Reaction to your other form? Flabbergasted. You out of all people? A literal demon? But being the avatar of sloth explained everything in perfect context.

Would ace be ace if he didn't take advantage of this? Absolutely not. Guess who got dragged into multiple shit because someone's sadistic boyfriend thought it would be romantic to suffer again.

Romantic date in detention this week? Meet him at 6 PM. He's letting you know you both are going to break out the window with grim after too.

He copies off your homework because it's not like you do anything about it, and when he can he just has you as a literal bed. He's taller than you so he just uses you as someone to Lean on when he gets bored.

DEUCE is just like trey in the prospect of somewhat spoiling you. He only Carries you to class tho. If anything he panics because he look so distant and disinterested while being in a relationship with you only to find out that's just your normal sleepy expression.

Tries to be strict with you but fails miserably? Check. He got hit with your tail more times than to count and poked by your horns even though they are literally in a curled like position. He follows you around because he knows the delinquents try to pick fights with you sometimes. What a darling!

Sometimes you just stare at him and he stares back, you fall asleep and he's like "they said they want gummy bears."

"Deuce what the fuck?" Ace stared at him in astonishment

You both just communicate like that so y'all locked in 🫶
He probably makes lunch for you with the help of trey and feeds you very often.

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