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At home
Jamila to her mother : I engaged
Mother wondered:engaged? Who is he? And when?
Jamila : to Mr. John
Maya: Mr. John! Say dear John, lovely John
Nesreen: Maya! let her continue for us
Jamila to Maya : I don't know who you look like, you don't look like me and you don't look like Nasreen (you mean that she is naughty)
Maya turned around smiling provocatively: I look like your boyfriend John, right?
Nisreen to Jamila: Forget about it and tell us when and how
Maya: Well, well, but I have a question, did John confess his love to you, and how was the method of his confession, and what is your feeling and reaction? Did you reciprocate the confession?
Jamila: Ugh, these topics are older than you
But until you rest, he did not confess his love to me, nor did he propose to me
Mother: I don't understand anything anymore! Didn't you say he engaged you?
Jamila: I mean, I got engaged to him, but it wasn't him who asked me to marry, but rather his grandfather who decided to marry John B
Nesrin: Ah, now I see what you mean
Maya: We will have a lot of money, my son-in-law is rich, so take me with you next time I want to see him
The mother: It is our custom that the groom's family come to the bride's engagement at her family's house. Tell them about that, and let them set an appointment so that I can receive them at our house.
Jamila: But Grandpa has conditions
Mother: Conditions? And what are these conditions?
Jamila: I don't know, but he will tell me about it tomorrow

Jamila went to work early as usual, arrived home and found Grandpa waiting for her
Beautiful: Good morning, sir
Hadd: Good morning, today I will start with my exams. If you pass them, I will marry you as my grandson
Jamila said to herself: As if you were going to marry me to the King of Spain
THE GRANDFATHER: You will start from the kitchen, and he told the maid that today you are on vacation, and all the work will be done by Jamila
She is beautiful again in herself, but my task is to take care of John and not to do the housework. However, this thing will not diminish her determination, as she is a patient warrior girl who learned the housework such as sewing, cooking, kneading bread and cooking sweets from her mother and grandmother at an early age.
Whenever Jamila finished one job, the grandfather added another one to her, until the day ended and her energy ended with him. She fell asleep on the sofa.
Uncle to Grandpa: Why, Dad? The girl is exhausted.
Grandfather: I know he is adopting, but I want to test her patience and determination, if she is not patient with these actions, how will she be patient with my blind grandson, I do not want my grandson to be left in the middle of the road
Uncle went and woke Jamila: go home, I'll tell the driver to give you a ride
Your beauty: Thank you, sir, so that I don't forget. My mother stipulated that the sermon be in our house, as this is our custom. I ask you to set a date
Uncle: Well, I will speak to my father and set the date and let you know
Exams have been for two weeks and each time there is a new exam.

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