thirty three | the pink scrunchie

Start from the beginning

My cheeks had turned blood red to which he had laughed like a madman before spinning me onto the dance floor as we danced the night away.

"Shush," I playfully scolded him, slapping a hand on his chest. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you."

The smile he gave me was a million watts brighter than the brightest LED ever made. "Likewise, my Vi Darling."

"Why do you still call me Vi Darling when I specifically told you I hate being called that?" I'd asked him to not call me by my shortened name on the day Sully proposed to Savannah and I remember him calling me exactly that a couple minutes later.

"Because I want you to love everything you've ever hated. You've dealt with enough things, my darling. " He shrugged, bopping my nose with his. "And now it's time for you to love and live.”

Raw tears stung my eyes and I gulped, swallowing the lump in my throat. "You- I hated you too, you know?"

Another beautiful grin. "No you didn't."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, I did." Lie.

"Not really, no." He nuzzled his face in my neck again, kissing and breathing. "You hated yourself because you could never hate me. And even if you did-" He looked up, his eyes twinkling with an emotion so different, so heartwarming, so raw, I sucked in a sharp breath. "Now you don't."

Hope and happiness and giddiness bubbled in my chest and stomach as I got up on my toes and circled my arms around his neck. "Does that mean you'll make me fall in love with you now?"

His eyes widened for a second, not expecting the words coming out of my mouth. He blinked his surprise away, his hands around my back moving up and down in a rhythm. His eyes darkened in a fury of possessiveness and wild pride. "If you haven't already." His whisper breezed past me like a cold brush of a maple leaf on an autumn evening before he pressed his lips to mine in a toe-curling, earth-shattering kiss.


I'd taken a day off at the office today because Lily and I were going out for dinner for a desperately needed girls time. Savannah wanted to come but with her wedding duties, she said she would join us after her honeymoon which they were going to tomorrow after their wedding party.

After Kyst took me back into the bathroom earlier after he returned from office and fucked the living daylights out of me, I had to get ready again. Thankfully, Lily had texted me earlier she'd be late since she was kinda busy which gave me some time to get ready.

As the waiter turned around after taking our orders, I turned to Lily who looked stunning in her green corseted top and black jeans, a pretty pearl necklace wrapped around her throat. "It's so pretty," I complimented, pointing at the necklace.

Her hand instinctively shot up as she caressed the pearls with a lazy, soft smile. "Thanks, I really like it too. The texture is amazing and it feels like a lover's caress on my skin-"

I sighed. "Hey Lils?"

"Yeah?" she looked up.

"I think I'm falling in love with your brother." I ripped the bandage off. I'd been feeling off for a couple of days and I realised it was because I'd told Lily that I would be fakedating Kyst without knowing they were siblings and even though she had always seemed enthusiastic about us together, he was still her brother and she was still my bestfriend.

She blinked, eyes widening with surprise before they softened. "That's-" she hesitated, gulping softly. "Wow. Like for real?"

I slumped back into my seat, my heart sinking as I never, in a million years, expected her to react this way. Usually, anytime I told her about progress between Kyst and I and our relationship, she'd be the most hyper one amongst us, always squealing and laughing and encouraging. Her reaction right now threw me off. "Yeah." I nodded. "For real."

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