3:3 - Asian F

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Y/n's POV:

I nod along, a smile slowly spreading across my face as I watch my friends do the practiced dance moves. Pride and excitement fill me as I watch one friend in particular do incredibly well while executing said dance moves. It's Finn.

He's come a long way in the few short days since booty camp started. While he's not perfect, by a long shot, he's doing really really well and I know he's only going to get better.

Finn's progress is only one of the reasons I'm so happy, the other being the gorgeous Latina standing by my side. 

As of this morning, Santana came back to Glee club. She had to do so without Sue knowing but I couldn't care less. Now my girlfriend and my best friend are back in Glee and I know things aren't perfect, especially considering Quinn's real reason for coming back, but I'm still happy.

We all clap and cheer as Quinn does the dance correctly, a bright smile on her face when she finishes. 

"Alright, great job you guys." Mr. Schue says as he takes the spot center stage, after Quinn moves." We keep this up and I have no doubt we'll be taking that first place trophy at Nationals." His words earn another round of applause and cheers." Okay, the next set of moves-"

Before he can finish, we all hear the sound of the heavy stage door slamming shut.

Looking over in the direction it came from, Mr. Schue gets a very serious expression." You're late." He says and we all follow his gaze to see Mercedes walking in.

"I know. I-I overslept." She excuses while walking past us towards our teacher.

"It's 4:30 in the afternoon." Quinn points out and we share a look of amusement that doesn't last very long. Admittedly, things between us have been tense since our last conversation where she told me she was trying to get Beth back.

Mercedes continues her excuse," my alarm clock went off thirty minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule." Trying to take the spotlight off herself she asks," anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

Sighing, Santana tells her," I've re-sworn my loyalty to the Glee Club, without telling Coach Sue." Her eyes pan off to the side, unintentionally catching mine to which I smile at her, playfully bumping my shoulder against hers which makes her smile a little as well.

Not wanting to dwell on this, Mr. Schue nods to Mike who says he'll catch Mercedes up on what she missed today, the two of them then moving to the middle of the stage. 

The music starts and literally six seconds later, Mercedes is hunching over and rushing to the trashcan.

I step back just a little, unintentionally so. Me and puke don't have a good relationship and the last thing I want is to hurl because Mercedes does.

Mr. Schue goes over to check on her and she says she doesn't feel well.

"Why are you babying her?" Santana asks and my gaze snaps to her." I mean, she can't do three steps without puking cause she ate a Quiznos before she showed up to this joint."

I lightly slap the back of Santana's arm and she gives me 'what? you know I'm right' look." Ease up, okay?" I whisper.

"Mr. Schue, you have us scheduled to the second right now," Mercedes starts," with school, Glee Club, and booty camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do." Santana says.

Glaring over at her, Mercedes says," oh like you eat!"

Which, in a completely unbiased thought, isn't true. When Santana wants to eat, she eats. I mean, her mom cooks some huge and amazing dishes, plus her Abuela brings food and desserts by almost all the time. But Santana is also cautious of how much she eats and she balances her huge dinners out with smaller breakfasts and lunches. 

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