2:5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show

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(Y/n's Rocky Horror Costume)

(Y/n's Rocky Horror Costume)

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Y/n's POV:


"What if we went as Cosmo and Wanda?"

"Mm, or we could go as Bonnie and Clyde."

I roll my eyes and sarcastically mumble," what if I just disappeared out of existence?"

"What'd you say Y/n?" Quinn leans past Sam to look at me.

As we're in the hallway, I'm walking beside Sam while Quinn is on his other side with their fingers laced together.

Since their date after the duets competition I've been third wheeling seemingly nonstop. Every time I ask Quinn to hang out, somehow Sam shows up too. We go to the movies, he's there. I take her to the arcade, he shows up. A walk in the park? Don't forget Sam!

I hate to sound bitter because I'm really happy for Quinn. I'm glad she's found a good guy and that she seems so happy. But I miss her. I didn't think her gain of a boyfriend meant me losing quality best friend time.

I shake my head and give a forced smile." Just said those are good costume ideas. You two are gonna look super cute." My voice slightly slips and I sound a little annoyed, which Quinn catches, but before she can address it I turn down the hall.

While heading to my locker the last person I want to deal with walks up to me.

"Awe you look so miserable," Santana says with a fake pout." Did someone already tell you that you look like the Michelin Tire man?"

My jaw clenches and I roll my eyes, stopping and unlocking my locker with a deep breath." Very funny." I mumble as I grab my books.

The brunette huffs, getting that look she gets when her insults don't get the desired reaction." What crawled up your ass and died?" She asks.

"Wh- you ask like something else pissed me off and not your rude ass comments." I snap at her and her expression twists into anger." I'm so sick of your childish bullying Santana. You're by far the most annoying girl I've ever met. I don't know what it says that you're constantly seeking attention from me and you throw a bitch fit when you don't get. News flash, you won't because I have no interest in you in any way."

I shut my locker and turn to walk away.

Before I can even think though, the girl basically screams and throws herself on my back. She takes a fist full of my hair as I stumble from her unexpected weight on my back.

"Santana what the fuck! Get off of me!" I struggle to pull the girl off my back without basically body slamming her.

I don't know if she does it intentionally or not but her hand comes in contact with my face and perfectly manicured nails scratch my face right under my eye and across my cheek.

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