US of A

12 0 0

06-09-15* 12:08am

Dear Diary,

Alone. Nag-iisa. Nag-inusa ra. Translate it to other languages, the meanings' still the same. That's how I feel at the moment. Everyone is outside enjoying the rain and the endless chit-chats. While me over here is locked-up in the four corners of a room, sitting and facing my laptop. We were in one village. There are so many people living here with different races.

The never ending "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "Where are you from?" "Really can you translate this to that?" Culture shock. They don't give shit to people what they are wearing even they look stupid, a stripper, a hipster, a nerd, formal, or normal. The hell they care is more likely to be their motto. Culture shock. Some of the people here really work hard they even gave up sleep. BUT, all of their job is a bit of sleazy experience they all have this advance machine to make their work faster and easier for them unlike, ahem. The Philippines. But, Philippines makes use in not replacing people with machines. BUT, Philippines is still a corrupt and a poor country. Nobody can change that. I guess? I mean, I can really see the big differences. Like paycheck here is so good.. KFC's gonna be put in shame. 2 days work is equivalent to 15 days work. Just WOW.

Anyhow. No it's more than that it's weather shock. Weather here is a bit of not in the norms. I'm from Philippines (A tropical country) what do you expect me to feel.

One thing I like about US. They have clean surroundings.

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