Remus and Snivellus

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As Severus struggled to his feet, his face contorted with anger and humiliation, his wand hand quivered with a mixture of fury and determination. With a sharp wave of his wand, he unleashed a barrage of hexes and jinxes towards James. The air crackled with magical energy as the colourful spells streaked through the air. Remus winced as the sparkling ribbons made their way towards James, narrowly missing their target as James skilfully dodged and deflected them.

"Scourgify!" James exclaimed, with a swish of his wand, causing pink bubbles to gush from Severus's mouth, causing him to splutter and gag in surprise.

The scene that unfolded was surreal – Severus Snape, feared by many, now struggling with a mouth full of frothy pink bubbles, his incantations reduced to incoherent sputters. Remus bit on his lip nervously. He didn't like the way that this interaction was going. He spotted Freya in the crowd, her eyebrows furrowed in worry as she took in the pitiful sight of Severus Snape.

The sudden appearance of a familiar voice cut through the air like a blade.

"James, leave him alone!"

Remus looked around, searching for the source of the sound. The commanding voice belonged to none other than Lily Evans. Her fiery red hair caught the sunlight as she marched over, her expression a mix of disappointment and concern.

James froze, his wand lowering slowly as he turned to face Lily. His usual confident demeanour faltered under her stern gaze. The crowd of students had grown, their whispers giving way to a tense silence as they watched the scene unfold. Sirius exchanged a glance with Remus, a hint of worry in his eyes, as they both recognized the gravity of the situation.

Lily's eyes shifted from James to Severus, her expression softening as she took in the dishevelled Severus and the pink bubbles still lingering around his mouth.

"That's enough." she stated firmly, her words a quiet command that hung heavy in the air.

Her presence seemed to diffuse the charged atmosphere, and James's wand finally lowered to his side. The sun continued to shine, but a shadow had fallen over the otherwise peaceful scene at the edge of the lake. The crowd started to disperse. Remus spotted Freya and her friends walking away, heading back towards the lake.

Lily's words hung in the air, the weight of her disapproval settling over the scene like a heavy fog. Yet, even as her voice resonated, Severus was not one to be deterred. With a swift movement, he snatched his wand from the ground and threw a cutting curse towards James. The spell grazed James's cheek, leaving a thin slash in its wake.

James's expression twisted into a mix of surprise and anger, his hand instinctively rising to touch the stinging mark on his face. Hot red liquid dripped from his finger tips, and a dangerous glint sparked in his hazel eyes. Before anyone could react, he responded with a quick, silent incantation. Severus was suddenly lifted off his feet and flipped upside down, suspended in mid-air as if attached to an invisible string.

Laughter rippled through the watching crowd, which was now growing again, as Severus dangled awkwardly, his robes sliding over his shoulders to reveal his underwear to the entire gathering. The Gryffindor students erupted in amusement, while the Slytherins exchanged a mix of smirks and grins at the sight of their usually brooding peer in such a compromising position.

The entertainment was short-lived as Lily's voice cut through the laughter like a blade.

"James Potter, release him this instant!" Her voice was sharp and authoritative, and her eyes bore into James with a stern determination that left no room for argument.

James hesitated, the levicorpus spell's hold on Severus wavering for a moment before he relented, allowing Severus to plummet back to solid ground with an undignified thud.

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