"Do you think Snorlax is going to fly to the other side of the lake?" Insey asks.

"Not if it has a ticket from the jumbo jet." Misty says.

And much to our surprise, it just jumps into the water and swims Butterfree style. "Woah... that Snorlax is a great swimmer!" Serena says.

"All the more reason why we should stop him." I say as we try to chase after the Snorlax. And just as we are about to land at the shore, we notice Team Rocket trying to steal the grapefruit. They try to swipe Pikachu, Meowsie, and also Snorlax. But Snorlax uses just a Mega Punch to send them flying.

"Well, there they go." I say. "But the Snorlax..."

Misty tries to attack by sending out Goldeen, but before Snorlax can eat it, Misty returns it to the Pokeball. "What are we going to do now?" Brock asks.

"I know!" I take out the Poke Flute, "We can use this!"

"Are you sure? I thought Poke Flute is supposed to wake up the Pokemon..." Brock says.

"That's because they don't know how to play it nicely." I say. "Here it goes."

I try to play it with a lullaby, and the Snorlax starts to get drowsy and falls asleep. Insey says, "It works!"

"But I'm feeling a little drowsy as well..." Misty says, and in the end, all except for me falls asleep to the ground. When I stop, I say, "Now it's my chance!"

I throw the Pokeball at the Snorlax, and in the end, Snorlax is caught.

Snorlax: The Sleeping Pokemon: Normal Type. Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.

We are thanked by Ruby and her staff, and much to our surprise, the trees are growing again. So we all bid farewell to them and continue on our way forward.

Next, we head to Scissor Street, which is well-known for its Pokemon salons and beauty parlors, we go to a shop and met a Pokemon Breeder named Suzie, Brock says that he wants to be her pupil since Suzie is a breeder Brock idolized, but she rejects him, saying that she doesn't have time for taking students. Suzie has a Vulpix, who won't eat anything which isn't made by Suzie, but she eats Brock's food, which makes Suzie shocked.

We also learn that the Salon Roquet, which opened a few hours ago, makes trainers think that making Pokemon look as flashy as possible is their priority, We then ask Misty to take Psyduck there. Although we want to go there, too, we decided to help Suzie compete with growing popularity by demonstrating how the salon works.

After waiting for Misty for a long time, we decide to check out what happened. It turns out that the Salon Roquet is made by Team Rocket to steal Pokemon from trainers, and they have tied Misty up. But eventually, we manage to save Misty and send Team Rocket blasting off again. Back at the salon, Suzie asks Brock to take care of her Vulpix, to which he agrees.

We also train some of our Pokemon, and our biggest surprise is Meowsie, she starts to evolve into a Persian. I say, "Meowsie... you evolved!"

"Yeah, you're a Persian now." Insey says.

Meowsie likes her new form, and she also manages to learn the move Power Gem, which is a Rock Type move.

Persian: The Classy Cat Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolved from Meowth at LV:28. Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness.

"I'm not that fickle..." Meowsie pouts a little, and I say, "We know."

The next one to evolve is Machop, and we decide to use the Linking Cord to evolve it into a Machamp.

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