Chapter 3

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"Where should we go next?" Insey ponders aloud the next day, after the Pokemon Center meets its unfortunate demise. The three of us are left to find shelter, and thankfully, we stumble upon a hotel where we can rest for the night.

"Let's head to Route 22 first; we need to meet up with our mom there," Insey suggests.

"You're absolutely right," I agree as we set off towards Route 22. Along the way, I notice Misty in the vicinity. Though her intentions remain unclear, we decide it's best not to interfere with her affairs. Suddenly, the familiar sight of a flock of Spearow swoops down, evidently seeking another confrontation. This time, however, we're prepared to face them head-on.

"Wait! We're not here to fight you!" the leading Spearow calls out. With a resigned sigh, we opt to listen to what they have to say. The Spearow humbly admits, "We realize now that we misjudged you. We thought you were just another trainer out to harm Pokemon. But you're an Arceus and aura user. We apologize for our earlier aggression."

Stepping forward, I reassure them, "It's alright, Spearow. If anything, I was the one who acted aggressively, albeit unintentionally. Just remember, not all humans harbor ill intentions towards Pokemon."

"I'd like to join your team. Is that possible?" the Spearow asks earnestly. A warm smile spreads across my face as I respond, "Of course, you're more than welcome."

With a deft toss of a Pokeball, the Spearow becomes our newest companion. Inspired by the gesture, Insey decides to capture a Spearow of her own, solidifying our bonds even further.

Spearow: The Tiny Bird Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne.

After bidding farewell to the remaining Spearow, we finally reunite with our mother standing before us. Embracing her tightly, I feel a sense of relief wash over me.

"Ash, Insey, Serena," my mom begins, her voice filled with concern. "I heard about what happened with Team Rocket yesterday and the destruction of the Pokemon Center."

"They were trying to steal Pokemon," Insey explains. "Yesterday was truly a disastrous start to our journey. All we wanted was a smooth beginning."

"I understand," my mom sighs, her expression grave as she extends her hand. "The casualties?"

"They're accounted for," I respond, retrieving the crystal and handing it to her. "But it seems some of the escaped Team Rocket members have identified us as the children of the 'Dark Rainbow.'"

My mom's brow furrows slightly. "That complicates things. Knowing the boss of Team Rocket, he'll go to great lengths to avoid our family. However, starting today, Ash, you'll have to be vigilant. The two individuals and the talking Meowth you encountered yesterday will be tracking you relentlessly. Their sole objective is to capture Pikachu."

"Should I take them out?" I inquire, frustration evident in my tone.

"You can deal with them after their thousandth attempt," my mom replies calmly, but I can't help but groan inwardly. The prospect of enduring their incessant pursuit is daunting, and the thought of eliminating them altogether is tempting. This situation is becoming increasingly exasperating.

"And now I must return to the League. I'll see you there," my mom announces before bidding us farewell. As she departs, Serena turns to us, questioning, "So, what's next?"

"How about we focus on capturing some Pokemon? Without the Gym badges, we won't be able to venture into Victory Road," I suggest. "Besides, Lillie wants us to complete the Pokedex."

"You've got a point," Serena agrees with a nod.

After a bit of searching, we come across two Nidoran, one male and one female, which we successfully capture. Meanwhile, Insey manages to catch a Pidgey of her own, expanding our team further.

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