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You were more hesitant than ever before to clock back into work. The horrors you'd caught a mere glimpse of had haunted you for the past several nights. On one hand, you needed this job. Your rent was coming up soon and the money you were making now was barely enough to keep you comfortably afloat. You'd already missed four days of work in a row, without notice to your boss mind you, due to your reoccurring night terrors. You couldn't risk having your check being cut down, let alone being fired. You wouldn't trust this company to wipe their own asses. Also, you would feel terrible for leaving your buds alone at the restaurant without saying goodbye.
...But on the other hand, your common sense was screaming at you not to go back to the haunted pizzeria. That's literally haunted. By the ghosts of children. Children who have left a scar on your mind's eye since you left four days ago. You suspected that it would be literal suicide to go back to that place. So you laid in bed, contemplating your decision as you scrolled through your phone. Your parents were hanging in there. Your siblings had all gone through High School at the point; time had passed quicker than you'd have hoped. With your decision to stay home for the night, you figured that you'd do some more self maintenance. To put it brief, your sleep schedule was beyond screwed up. You'd hit the hay as soon as you got back home and wake up at 4 in the afternoon. It's become an unconscious schedule your body's grown accustomed to. Does that mean you're not tired from your job anymore? Absolutely not. You still get a lousy sleep at home. But it's been decent enough to keep you aware enough at your job.
You grumpily rolled out of bed and tied your messy hair back out of your face. After making your way to the sink, you splashed cold water onto your features to wake you up a bit. Were you just done with this job at this point? Was it time to hit the hay at a normal hour? You didn't want to force yourself awake if you didn't have to. You weren't checking in tonight, and you probably weren't going to for a long time, if you ever were to again. What was the point in getting out of bed again...? Right. It was 9:00 p.m. and you weren't sure if you even wanted to do self care. You were tired. End of story. You took out your hair,fluffing it up into the messy state it was in beforehand, and flopped yourself back into bed.
Knock, knock, knock.
A soft knock was heard at your front door. You groaned, pulling your pillow over your head. If you didn't get up, they'd leave you alone. Another knock was heard. You stayed in bed. It got even louder and persistent. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. You were getting sleep. You weren't gonna get up for some weirdo that thinks they can force you to socialize at an unreasonable hour. The knocking stopped and you felt your body relax, drifting off to sleep. Until you heard a knock at your window.
The curtain was closed, thankfully. You got out of bed and slowly drew them back, staying out of the person's line of sight. What else were you supposed to do? You were glad you did pull them back.
"Bonnie?!" You whisper-yelled. The light blue, toy rabbit animatronic was standing outside of your apartment window and waving to you meekly. You unlocked your window and pulled it open. It was barely enough to let the rabbit squeeze his head in. "Oh, my goodness."
"It's not gonna fit me, is it?" He groaned.
"Shhh!!" You shushed him. "Do you want to be caught out here?!" You continued to whisper-yell at the rabbit.
"I don't think anyone on this floor is awake. Not outside, at least."
"You know what-JUST-go around to my front door..." You met him at the front with a scowl, and let Bon into your apartment. "Was that you knocking on my door...." He slowly turned around and gave a small, nervous nod. It was cute. Not cute enough for you to forgive him. But almost.
"Are you okay?" Bon asked.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Is that why you came all this way? Really? To see if I was fine?" You spat at him.
"Yes! Jeez, I was worried about you! Well, for one thing, Withered Bonnie of all animatronics had to escort you out of the pizzeria. And if that wasn't concerning enough, you didn't show up for nearly an entire work week. How do you think that made us feel?"
"You're pointing the finger at me now?! You don't even know what I saw in there."
"Maybe I do," Bon countered with you. "But you didn't get to tell me." He was holding up a calm demeanor while you were nearly fuming
"I went into Prize Corner." You whispered. It was still hard to watch out of your throat, but Bon heard you and immediately understood. His pupils dilated and his ears folded back, as much as they'd allow, at least. "I saw the kids that Freddy told me about. I'm assuming those are those specific kids, cause y'know, I assume there wasn't more than one batch of missing children in that place."
"No," Bon honestly didn't know if there were children he wasn't aware of. "I'm sorry you had to see that. And you don't have to tell me all of it. Neither do you have to come back. But here is my proposal." You listened in, curiosity piqued. "You have a choice to make. You can stay here, quit your job, and I leave tonight. Or you come back to the pizzeria, you help us, and I leave tonight. I guess I leave tonight no matter what, but I'll stay if you want me to. And those things you saw--they were hallucinations. They have no way of harming you, and if you stay out of Prize Corner, they have no way of reaching you. You have all of us to protect you."
"Protect me from what? Exactly? I have no idea what caused those hallucinations, why Prize Corner is so special, and why you'd have to protect me. There's something that you guys still aren't telling me." Bon's eyes wandered down to the ground shamefully. "Well? What is it? You were willing to tell me about the missing children. What else is there that could be worse than that? What? Did you guys kill them?" The second those words escaped your mouth, you regretted it. If you hadn't directly calling him out on a crime he committed, you definitely hurt his feelings. It was a dangerous gamble. But Bon made no direct reaction.
"....listen. There wasn't much else to explain. You already knew about the spirits and the hauntings. But if you want to know..." he waited for your approval, to which you hesitantly nodded. You made your way to your couch, where you offered Bon to sit donw but he protested, saying he'd be too heavy. He sat cross legged on the floor.
"There are three animatronics you will not meet. They're from another establishment, 'Fredbear's Family Diner'. It closed down years ago, after someone got his brother hospitalized in an accident, involving Fredbear himself. That's the first animatronic. Not long after that, the first murder went down. From what I've gathered, she goes by Charlotte. And she possessed the second animatronic, the Marionette. But she goes by Puppet. Too fancy.
She was the first victim. She gave life to the next five victims inside the Withered animatronics, back when they weren't withered. Then they came here and their parts were used to build us. That's why all of us are alive, but not directly possessed, if you know what I mean." You shook your head. "Well, just know you're not talking to a five year old boy. We're all made sentient by the remnant of those lost souls. There were two souls that didn't need to be given life, though, because they'd found their own inside of Fredbear. Now they're sealed off inside an abandoned section of Parts and Service. Evan, the boy who was killed in a tragic accident, and Cassidy, the one that should not have been killed."
A chill was sent up your spine. "You said there were three animatronics?"
"Yeah. But I guess the last one isn't as important. SpringBonnie. He was the suit used to lure the kids into the back room." You stiffened in your seat. "I know. But he's completely shut down now. There's no bringing him back. Unless, of course, someone's stuffed into that empty suit." Another chill up your spine. "Kidding! But remember Charlotte, Evan, and Cassidy. You can't interact with them. Especially Cassidy. Avoid the back of Parts and Service when you can, and stay outside of Prize Corner altogether. Fredbear's sealed off and dormant, but Puppet knows everything that happens in the pizzeria."
".....Well. Thank you for the info dump. I'm not getting any sleep tonight." You smiled nervously. Bon tilted his head. "Do you need me to stay the night?"
"No, it's-it's fine. I don't want you to 'go missing', y'know?" You protested.
"Well, we don't open at all tomorrow."
"That's why I left today, just in case..." He looked at the floor. "...in case you needed some company tonight." Awww, you mused to yourself. You stood up and gave Bon a big hug while he was sitting. He returned the hug gently then stood up. "I'll stay out here if you're heading to bed."
"Nonsense! A sleepover's a sleepover!" You waved him over to follow you into your room. You made room on the floor for the two of you and brought down some blankets and pillows.
"Is it weird having your sleep schedule back?" Bon asked, chuckling some.
"Oh, yeah. Which is good for sleepovers, I guess. It's boring if you get to bed at a normal sleeping hour, anyway." You pulled a blanket over you up to your waist and Bon laid down next to you. "So, what's the new tea over at Freddy's?"
"Oh, not much. Nothing's changed, no one's done anything."
"Bonnie hasn't killed Foxy yet?" Bon twitched before realizing you were talking about the older model of himself. He forgot that he goes by just "Bon" now. "What? Don't they usually have beef?" You objected after Bon left you in stunned silence.
"Oh, no, they do. Yeah. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, or that Foxy hasn't taken out Bonnie's other arm." You shared a laugh.
"You know what the root of all that is?" Yes, he thought to himself. But he couldn't tell you. Foxy and Bonnie would murder him. So Bon just shrugged. You talked for the rest of the night until Bon asked you a question and there was no answer. Just light snoring by his side.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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