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He crawled in the underground tunnel with Elise and it wasn't the best escape route that he had chosen but it was still better than some few other places.

Atsushi smiled when they finally reached a tunnel where they could stand, the girl was already complaining about her dirty dress. It was a surprise that they even got that far without getting caught because of her loud voice.

To distract her from her dress, he asked a question that he wanted to know for a long time.

"What happened to Kyuu?"

Kyuu was never involved in any of whatever he was doing but he was afraid anyway because of this. He had never got any news about them which was very worrying.

"They were locked up while you were away, they may be freed though, maybe"

Elise answered honestly and looked at him with her eyes that looked mocking.

"I'm not convinced that they can be freed again though"

Her voice held mockery behind it, those two would always cause trouble together yet they would also fight against each other like enemies. He would always dismiss it as a sibling's squabble but it became worse as the days passed.

"Don't bully them"

That was what he simply said, after all, they were like a family to him as well as Elise and Mori. A family of four.

It was weird that the family had three children with only one father but it was still pretty good, he wanted a mother though.

If Mori was his father figure and Elise and Kyuu were his siblings then Oda would be his mother figure, caring and kind.

Thinking about it was funny, Mori and Oda together.

They finally reached the sewers and the smell was revolting, Elise looked like she wanted to vomit.

The walk had their legs aching but they continued on while holding complaints in the back of their throats, they didn't want to irritate each other.

After going up to where normal people would walk, they went into an alleyway and made sure to look like homeless children to fool people before sneaking down the streets.

Not going far, they sat down on the side that people ignored, a perfect place for rest while wondering about the cat they abandoned alone in the base.

Little Lespiral would be mourning for them sorrowfully right now, not knowing what was going on while they were sleeping.

The cat was there with them when they sneaked out, they should have brought them with them.

It was a sad thought and he shared the news with the girl next to him who just shook her head, it would be troublesome to look after a cat right now.

Elise started to sleep.

He stayed awake, not daring to sleep because Mori can know where he was at any time because of Elise, considering for a moment, he walked off quietly into another alleyway as far away from that place as possible.

It was bad of him to abandon the girl but it was so that he could survive in this terrible terrible world that just won't let him be, Mori could easily find them with her around.

Finding Dazai would be a good choice right now, he decided to use his ability to find him.

He walked right into Dazai putting a bomb right under Chuuya's car while looking annoyed.

"You will regret that you know? I will tell on Chuuya that it was you"

Atsushi told the teenager that because he felt sorry for the ginger for having to deal with the brunette even while they had betrayed the Mafia. 

"He won't die anyway, just think of this as a farewell present"

Even though he had replied to him, the other seemed fixated on putting the bomb, not sparing him a glance, and then started taking off his jacket, then tossed the thing to him.

It was the jacket that he always wore and was the sign that he was in the Port Mafia, now that it was gone the teenager looked less emo.

He didn't know what to do with it so Atsushi put it with the bomb and stared at the other cautiously.

Dazai didn't mind whatever the boy did with the jacket he threw it away and walked away.

Sighing, he followed the teenager while looking back.

Chuuya was probably drunk with wine, totally unaware of the danger when he reached his car.

There is a bomb under your car, just so you know. Destroy that jacket, it is Dazai's.

He typed those words before deleting all the contacts he had currently to get rid of any traces, he didn't toss away Mori's wallet though.


They traveled a long way before paying to stay in a hotel that they randomly came across while searching.

Atsushi stared at the white ceiling while lying on the bed, Dazai entered and gave him a funny look before asking.

"Where did you get the money?"

"Mind your own business"

He replied while smiling at the other mockingly. It was a long night and he was tired, Elise would probably be searching for him right now.

It was a pain in the ass to go search for the girl right now and tell her to go back with the potential danger of Mori lurking about. 

The money that he got out of the bank could last him years even with another person with him. He had naturally trashed the wallet since he had gotten the cash.

In this state they were in now, they should wait before joining the Armed Detective Agency. He thought it was a good thing that he was friends with Ranpo.

He shook himself off his thoughts before going back to sleep, well tried to.

All the stressful things made it hard for him so he got up, sat on the table, and made himself tea. Dazai joined him after a while, the teenager did seem to have insomnia.

They sat in comfortable silence which lasted for the whole night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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