A new family member

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Atsushi walked along the long corridors, the footsteps was heard loudly in the quiet place. He looked around for a bit and sighed. There was no one there and he continued to look around, perhaps to find something.

He sneaked into one of the forbidden areas out of curiosity and thought the security needed to be improved, but he was going to tell Mori that later since he found something interesting.

He was walking down the large amount of stairs to what looked like a basement.

It was quite surprising since he never knew that this place even existed.

Maybe Mori didn't want him to find out. That made him even more want to go down since he wanted to know what that man wanted to hide from him.

It is said that people desire to do things that other people tell them not to, especially children. That was him now.

What he found down in the dark, abandoned place was a person.


"Who are you?" The other asked towards the girl who dared to come here.

They had never got any visitors from others after Dazai ordered them to be locked up.

Looking at the innocently curious eyes of the girl, their eyes softened a bit, maybe they didn't mind having a visitor.

"My name is Atsushi" he replied with a smile and continued to stare at them, "what's  your name?"

"Kyuu" they replied simply.

Atsushi, they thought. It was such a pretty and well suited name, the girl's eyes sent a mysterious aura so they wanted to know more about her.

They then started to meet often at night and they got along well.

One night, Kyuu asked what relationship they had and the other said they were family. They liked the thing called family and repeated it every time.

The thing called family wasn't that bad, they only had a mentor but it wasn't a nice thing.

Atsushi then told them about her daily life and about her 'father' Mori.

"Since Mori is my father than he is yours as well" she told them with excitedly, " then we would be like a real family!"

Kyuu went along and smiled. To be a family with their boss was weird but they also thought that the girl was strange in a good way as well.

They thought Atsushi would abandon them like all the others but they still liked the attention they got.

Though they was confused, why do they keep visiting them? Didn't Dazai tell them that noone liked them? Did she not know that they were a monster?

It stressed them much that they decided to ask her.

"What do you think of me?"

"We are family"

But that answer agitated them more. The girl was too naive to think they would be a family. Did she not get that they were a monster? The reason they are locked up was because they were feared. They didn't deserve to be pitied.

Someday the girl would also abandon them as well. But why did their heart hurt when they thought that Atsushi would leave them as well?

"Why do you like me so much! I don't get it I don't get you!!!"


Atsushi was so glad when he found a new family that understood him.

When they shouted like that, he felt sad and tears flowed down his cheeks.

Maybe it was because he was still in a child's body where the emotions was unstable.

He ran away, up the stairs without looking back.

Now that he was back in his room, Atsushi curled in a ball and stared at the darkness.

What expression was their face like, he thought and felt bitter.

Why would they shout like that to him when they got along so well. What made them turn on him.

The lack of love might have been the reason, being loved when they was not used to it may have caused them to be confused.

He started thinking of ideas on how to make Kyuu happy.

Could everything be solved if he convinced Mori to free them?

It was worth a try do he cheered up and went to bed.

The next day, when morning came, he jumped down from the bed and flung his bedroom door open after preparing.

Out of excitement and nervousness he did not know that he almost knocked someone to the ground because of his pace.


Dazai was walking slowly down the corridors, thinking about suicide when something fast sped past him.

It was that girl who bought the chocolate cake for his boss's birthday.

He stared at the disappearing figure and quickly decided to follow it.

The girl went into his Mori's office hurriedly but he decided to wait since he wouldn't do such a rash thing like peeking.

After he waited for a while, the girl who's name was Atsushi, if he had remembered correctly, coming out.

Atsushi's had a satisfied look in his face.

He recognized the older this time and he greeted him and then proceeded to skip away.

Dazai wanted answers so he went into the office and closed the door behind him.

He bowed his head.

"What brings you here?" The man asked

"What were you and that girl talking about?"

"That's none of your business" Mori answered

He knew that he couldn't ask more so he didn't speak.

"You will find out sooner"

And that was the final answer Dazai got and he wondered what that meant.

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