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What a good day Atsushi thought to himself, happy that he got to play with Ranpo for the whole day, but he felt sorry for Elise who had to be stuck with Rintaro.

Atsushi wandered aimlessly around the empty street bathed in the setting sun.

He knew that if he didn't return, Mori would worry for him, maybe have a heart attack. Thinking about it made him chuckle a bit and felt sad since he wasn't there to see the show. But since Elise had sacrificed so much, she deserves to see it for herself, maybe then she wouldn't be as upset with him for returning late.

Starting to feel tired, he saw the nearest bench and sat down to rest. He gazed at the sunset with a sparkle in his eyes. They just so looked like his eyes, the sky was decorated with the beautiful colour yellow and purple, with the mix of some others. 

Maybe that was why he was so fixated in the gem Ametrine, it looked just like his eyes.

While he was distracted by the sky, he didn't notice a man coming towards him (he actually did with his tiger senses but ignored it).

 "Hey kid, what are you doing here at night? It's dangerous here"

When he heard the voice, Atsushi stared at the tall man with dark brown eyes wearing a long sleeved beige brown coat.

He recognised it, not the man, or voice, or his appearance but the coat. The same coat that Dazai wore everyday in the distant future.

The first thought that came to mind was if the man and his old mentor was close, since that was the only explanation that he could make.

"Hello! I sneaked out and I don't know what to say to father and kind of afraid to go back" he explained sadly.

"A little girl like you shouldn't wonder around in the streets, I will take you back"

Atsushi was surprised when the man said 'girl' but didn't show it, it took him a while to process that he did look like one.

"Thank you" he replied shortly 

He stared at the man again and then proceeded to grab his hand to lead the way. The walk was silent but he liked this kind of silence so they just was like that for a while.

"What is your name?, my name is Sakunosuke Oda, just call me Oda"

"Kay, my names Atsushi"

They again fell into awkwardness and just when he was about to speak, another person jumped towards them.


And Atsushi knew just who it was and regretted ever meeting Oda, it was the crazy lunatic that even Mori told him to avoid, the person who he beat in being the youngest executive in Port Mafia, it was none other than Dazai.

The brown haired boy came running towards them and smiled brightly at the man. He was talking very energetically until he finally noticed him.

"Who is this little lady?"

Oda spent some minutes talking to the other about him and how he was going to take him home. 

So the three of them walked together.

The other two couldn't help but notice the fact that they were walking towards the Port Mafia base, they couldn't help but think that they were mistaken but was proven wrong.

Atsushi led them right into the base and into Mori's base where he met his doom.

"Atsushi-Chan" Mori said in a eerie tone and stared at him "do you know how late it is?"

He shrank back and lowered his head, none of them could see his expression, but he actually had a gleam of excitement in his eyes since he knew that Mori had worried a lot for him.

The older man didn't stop and continued.

"To think of sneaking out when I had my guard down, I didn't raise you like this" his voice became dangerously low and a frightening aura came out of him.

Both Dazai and Oda stiffened, they didn't know if the younger girl would survive tonight, no wonder why the girl was so scared of going back. But Dazai kind of felt that Atsushi deserved it for sneaking out.

"I'm sorry, it was your birthday so I thought of buying you a cake...."

The other people in the room excluding Mori and Atsushi, widened their eyes in shock, it was their bosses birthday.

Actually that was a excuse, the two siblings (that are not blood related) only wanted to eat the newly come out cake but it just so happened to be another special event that day. It was a perfect set up and they could eat the cake and have Mori rewarding them with more snacks for remembering, it was a win win situation.

Mori was crying tears of joy while eating the chocolate cake and hugging the tiger plushie (that Elise and Atsushi made the day before), somehow Oda and Dazai was dragged into the celebration and was awkwardly eating the cake while sitting stiffly on the chairs,

The other two children was eating the cake and sweets in their room, Elise explaining how her father looked so funny after realising that he was gone. The two of them had a good laugh.

Maybe we can both sneak out together on his next birthday they thought together. 


Authors note: Please ignore the fact that Mori's birthday is in 17th February, Atsushi is still 6.

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