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He started doing his activities while sitting at his desk. The paperwork was nothing to him since he would do it every day.

Atsushi stared out the window and wondered why he felt a sense of unease or something similar, he shook the feeling off and decided to have a walk outside and breath some fresh air to refresh his mind.

Dazai needed to be looked after anyway even if he was an adult, his suicide tenacity was a considerable problem or so was his excuse.

After finishing most of the paperwork, he followed the excited Dazai who walked out of the room while Kunikida was busy. 

Waving his arm, he told the older man that he was going to follow him. Somehow he wasn't used to Dazai's smile and the way he acted. He felt like it was unusual even when he was supposed to see it every day.

Separating from the other was easy, the unease wanted him to run away from him. He decided to go buy a limited edition chocolate cake from the cake shop that he would always go to as well as candies, paint, and crayons from the shop nearby.

Wait....... did he always go to the cake shop?

Not knowing why he even bought it and who he was buying it for, he felt like something was telling him to buy it, which he did while crying about his money.

Wondering around, he saw a blonde hair flickering around in the crowd, and a familiar smile stared at him before being blocked from view by other people. Some sense of familiarity was felt even if he did not meet this girl before.

He went back to the detective agency after putting away the paint and crayons at his apartment, shaking off the feeling that something was not right. The room he entered felt a sense of unfamiliarity and he tensed a bit before trying to act normal.

Everything was the way it should be, with the people that should be there, it was all normal, or was he forgetting something?

Walking back to his desk, he realized he still had the cake and lollies that he bought. Atsushi wondered why he even brought it but his heart was telling him to bring it to work, he felt some familiarity and something like a habit to do it.

Knowing that he was not going to eat it, he gave it to Ranpo, saying it was a gift.

"I feel like you are not your normal self today," he said with a smile.

Atsushi didn't know how to reply and simply searched in his mind to find an answer. Why was he acting weird? He pondered on the question.

"I'm not feeling quite good today, I feel like something is not right" he truthfully told the other since he knew that he couldn't keep secrets from Ranpo, with his ultra detective skill.

"Then you should ask and see someone who you are most comfortable with, maybe then would you know the answer"

Atsushi honestly thought that was a good answer, as expected of Ranpo but the other seemed to have a grim expression, he didn't know why.

He went downstairs after finishing his work to the cafe. Deciding to order hot chocolate he sat down on the chair and thought.

What was a trustworthy person he could easily talk to? Dazai was a person he could trust and respect even if he was a bit suicidal and could not be predicted, after all, he was his mentor.

Though something told him that he wasn't the answer, there was someone else that he held in deep regard, a person who he loved and cared for as a family as well as a friend.

It was not Kyoka even if she was someone he looked after and is her benefactor, she didn't fit the requirement. 

His thoughts drifted to that blond girl with a pretty red dress and felt that she was the answer. He also felt that he should contact the Port Mafia boss as well, even if the ADA and PM were enemies, it sat better with him to go and do missions for them.

How strange.

When checking his phone, Mori's contact number was there even if he thought that he had never known that man before or so he thought, maybe he really had.

He pressed the call button as if it was normal and waited for the other to reply. Everything was silent except the bustling people outside and the cafe staff working.

"Hello?" A deep male voice came from his phone.

"Mori, is that you? I want to meet you"

A chuckle was heard and he wondered what was so amusing that the other had to laugh like that.

"Then come to the base right now, I'll alert the others so that they won't attack you"

Came the reply, and his breath hitched with surprise since he didn't know that he could be accepted that easily, or was it a trap? He didn't really care even if it was one because the relief that came was something that filled him when he first heard it.

"Okay, I'm not busy right now"

Maybe he could find out why he felt the way he felt.

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