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(10 Months Later)

Alright ladies and gentleman

let's do this one last time

My Name is Miles Morales

I was bitten by a radio active spider

and for the past 10 months i've been brooklyns one and only spider-man. i had a partner for a while but she uh. shes gone.

gwen was her name.My first love i feel like. we tried to do long distance but 4 months into it. we gave up and decided we'd continue our relationship when she gets back. it really hurt but it was definitely for the best.

i mean we both promised to wait for each other. but i feel like things are going down hill. we haven't talked in a month. which is weird because we talked every day for 9 months. i guess i'm kinda mad at her for not texting me back.

i'm tired of waiting for her


i woke up at 11 am this morning to work out. i've really been into working out to keep in even better shape for spiderman and also it keeps my mind off things, kinda like a escape from everything. i'm 17 years old now and i'm in my final year at brooklyn visions academy. when gwen moved i was able to get my grades back up into A's, but spanish. we ignore spanish.

me and mj are good friends again. she really comforted me when gwen left. we hang out a lot after school.

"miles, do you want eggs?" dad yelled from across the room.

i was in the middle of doing 100 pushups but i yelled back saying yes.

when i got done with my push-ups dad put my eggs on the table for me.

"thanks dad"

"so son, are you and mj a thing again?" he asked

"no no no, absolutely not. i'm waiting for gwen to get back remember?" i said

"yeah i remember miles but do you ever get tired of waiting?" he asked

"yeah i do, but i loved her dad. i'd betray her if i went and got in another relationship"

i finished up my eggs and put the plate in the washer.

my phone buzzed and i got a text from mj

having a party tonight. wanna come?

yeah id love too, where at?

my house at 7 see you then 😊

i put my phone back in my pocket.

"hey dad ima go out for a bit."

"ight son, text me if anything goes wrong"

i went back into my room and changed into more comfortable clothing. i was gonna go on patrol right now. crime has slowed down in brooklyn ever since me and gwen took down the sinister six. it sucks not having a partner but i've gotten used to it.

i exited out of my window and walked down to the sidewalk below.

i put on my headphones and just walked. i do this a lot to clear my head. i've really been into tyler the creator recently. cool dude. kinda

i stopped at teos bodega to buy a water. teos bodega has been around for a while. Teo is a really cool dude.

i went inside a grabbed a water. i walked up to the counter and placed my water down.

Miles Apart : Sequel To One Lucky BiteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ