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(1 month later, gwen pov)

Dear Diary, it's been exactly one month since i thought i was going to die. since then it's been rough. of course my wound has been healing. But it still hurts like hell. Me and Miles haven't seen each other in two weeks. Aunt May and Miles Parents wanted us to have a break from each other. don't get me wrong, me and miles relationship is perfect. but when we're together. something always goes wrong

*knock knock knock*

i closed my diary and slid it to the end of my desk

"come in" i said

aunt may opened the door.

"hey sweetie, i was just checking if you were up"

"yeah, couldn't sleep"i shrugged

"same nightmare?" she asked

i shook my head.

"well, ill bring your breakfast up to you. did you take your medicine?"

"not yet"

"okay honey, please go do that now before you forget"

"i'll go do it right now" i smiled lightly

"okay, love you gwen"

she shut the door and i could hear her footsteps fade away.

i got up from my desk and left my room to head to the bathroom.

i entered the bathroom and grabbed my pain and anxiety medicine.

my doctor prescribed the anxiety medicine to help with the constant anxiety attacks i had.

the medicine seems to do its job

i took my medicine and put the bottles back under the sink

now for the hard part. need the change the wrapping my wound.

i lifted my shirt and slowly began to take off the old wrapping.

when i revealed the wound, my heart began to pound and my mind went back to the day i got shot.

it took a knock on the bathroom door to make me snap out of it

"foods on your desk honey, you okay in there?"

"yeah fine, just a minute"

i quickly wrap my wound back up and left the bathroom.

i went back into my room and fell back on my bed.

"what the fuck is going on with me" i said out loud to myself

i pulled my new phone i bought a week ago out and saw a text from miles.

Hey Gwen, hope you slept well. just wanted to text you before i went to school. stupid no phone during classes policy. anyways baby. hope we can see each other soon. love you ❤️

text was from a hour ago

i didn't respond and just hearted to message

he knows something is going on with me. he's good at that

i adore miles so much, but me getting shot turned me into a new person. i don't know who that person is yet. but i'll find her soon hopefully

(miles pov, first period)

"she just hearted the message" i put my phone back on my desk

"she's going through a rough time miles, you know that" mj said while rubbing my shoulder

"i know mj, but she can't just cut me out like this. we barely have talked this past like two weeks, everything was going so good"

"listen here idiot, she got shot a month ago. i get where you're coming from but cut her some slack, she loves and cares about you so much. she'll come around when she's ready"

Miles Apart : Sequel To One Lucky BiteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя