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Her laughter echoed across his living room as Remus carelessly stirred the gravy. He couldn't pay attention to the sauce when Y/n looked like that when she laughed. He felt like his old wounds were healing whenever she laughed.

"Remus, you can turn off the stove," Y/n said as she kneaded the dough. A strand of hair annoyed her with its presence until she felt Remus' fingers tuck it behind her ear. Shiver ran down her spine as she looked into his green eyes. She felt like this has happened before. Unknowingly, she leaned into his touch. His warmth made her feel like she was back at her childhood home. Y/n didn't realise she was close to him, so close she could feel his breath until her phone rang. Remus retracted his hand as Y/n pulled away to answer her phone.

He couldn't hear her conversation over the sound of his heart breaking. Remus got back to stirring the gravy. He hated how he felt when she was around him. She is in a relationship. That too with Colin, who is his employer. He shook his head, trying not to look at her lips as she talked to whoever interrupted their moment.

Y/n came back and started to gather her belongings. "I am sorry. Colin is back from the conference. And he asked me to pick him up from the airport."

Remus didn't look up from the sauce. He feared if he would look at her, he would end up doing something he would regret. He thickly swallowed. "It's ok. I think we are done anyways. Thank you so much."

"Ok...I should go then." Y/n said, but she didn't move. Her eyes focused on Remus, who was focused on the gravy. She never thought she would ever wish to be a sauce so badly. Wordlessly, she picked up her bag and started to move towards the door, but she accidentally stepped on her shoelace and tripped. Before she could plant her face on the floor, she felt a pair of strong arms around her waist and her hands held onto his biceps.

At any other moment, she would have felt embarrassed, but Remus' soft gaze on her only made her heart flutter. Her breath got heavier, and her nose almost touched his. Y/n forgot about the world when his eyes only looked at hers. She couldn't look away from his eyes even if she wanted to. Y/n started to pull away, but she felt his arms tighten around her waist.


"Shh." Remus' hands slowly crept towards her face. His touch was featherlight and cautious. Y/n could smell the scent of coriander leaves on his fingers that Remus was cutting just a few minutes ago. Y/n saw his adam's apple bob as his eyes longingly looked at her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the familiarity of his touch. His lips parted. He wanted to say so much to her but suddenly retracted his hands.

Y/n involuntary chased his touch but immediately held back when reality hit her again. She gathered her belongings and finally left his home, leaving Remus standing there alone in his home. Remus sank to the kitchen floor, running his hand through his hair. This was wrong. He should feel guilty for almost kissing his boss' girl...twice, to hold her like she belonged with him.

He shook his head. There are so many girls in the office itself who he could mingle with. But it was as if his soul could only find solace in Y/n's touch. Remus looked up at the food that Y/n helped him make. What was even the use of her teaching him this recipe when he could only pay attention to her lips as she spoke?

He begrudgingly got up and took the food on his plate, slowly walking towards his dining table to eat his lunch by himself. Remus stared at the empty seat, trying to find comfort in the emptiness of what he calls his home. He somehow ate his lunch as he pretended Y/n was sitting in front of him, still laughing at his silly jokes.

Y/n jogged towards the porch and immediately opened the door, standing there, waiting for a hug that never came. Colin entered the home, happily chatting on his phone, leaving his luggage on the porch.

She picked up his luggage and took it into their room as he continued talking on his phone. Y/n started to put his clothes in the washing machine when she heard Colin enter the room. "Where were you?"

"I had gone to help my friend cook food." It's not a complete lie. Y/n knew Colin would freak out if he knew she was helping Remus, but she was only helping him and nothing else. Except, she knows how internally she was wondering how Remus' lips would feel on hers.

Colin seemed satisfied with the answer as he happily whistled as he got ready to take a shower. Y/n started putting his clothes in the washing machine again, unknowingly smiling, remembering how Remus' arms felt around her waist but immediately shook off the feeling that was brewing in her heart for him.

She felt so guilty thinking about Remus like this. Yes, Colin would sometimes disappoint her. But he didn't deserve this. She went back to doing her chores and decided to stop meeting with Remus. Her mind excused Colin's behaviour as him just being stressed and moody, and her heart ran with it. She would just hand Remus the recipes, leave and not look behind.

A week went by. Remus noticed Y/n had been distancing herself ever since Colin came back. Obviously, that meant his workload increased again.

Remus barely slept these days, partly because of the workload. But also because he had been dreaming about Y/n. It happened on the day she had left his home in a hurry to go to Colin. He had woken up in a cold sweat. This time Remus had the same dream, but instead of just seeing the same e/c eyes, he saw her.

His head throbbed in pain. Remus could barely open his eyes as he fed the numbers on the computer when he heard the sound of giggles coming from Colin's office. They sounded feminine. He immediately stopped typing.

Remus tried to look up from his seat. He could barely see into Colin's office. But he knew this was not Y/n. Her laughter was softer than whoever was in Colin's office. If it was not Y/n in his office. Who was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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