chapter 21.

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Ranboo's pov*

After a little while Wilbur and Tommy woke up but Tommy woke up to rolling off the couch. "Ow, fucking hell!" He said. Tubbo let go of me but still held my hand.

Wilbur laughed at his little brother. "Shut the fuck up!" "Never." Tubbo and I ignored them. Tubbo hugged me tightly digging his face into my neck secretly giving my neck small kisses, it made me blush but not enough to where anyone would notice.

At least I thought but Tubbo noticed and laughed quietly to himself clearly satisfied. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and when I came out I was greeted with him sitting on the bed.

"Hi." I said. He waved and I started walking to the door. He ran in front of me and stopped me and shut the door. "Very funny bee but let me leave please?" I asked. He shook his head. "Please?" I asked again.

"Kiss me and I might let you go." He said. I kissed him and he kissed back but he wouldn't let me pull away. I fell for a trap, I should have known.  He pulled away and his face was red.

"Can I leave now?" I asked him. He nodded as he hugged me. "Love you, just wanted a kiss." He said. "Ok." I said. We opened the door and walked back downstairs. When we got down those two were still arguing one on the floor and the other on the couch.

"Ranboo look, it's our very own reality show without having to turn the TV on." Tubbo said. "Tubbo I'm gonna beat your ass!" Tommy said as he got up and ran at him. I stepped in front of him.

"Touch him in the slightest way that will hurt him and I will put you in the hospital." I said. "Tommy sit the fuck down, sorry Ranboo." Wilbur apologized for him. "For what? What did you do? If I want an apology from anyone it's from Tommy."

"Sorry..." Tommy said as he gave me a hug. I hugged him back. "It's ok Tom, just don't threaten anyone." I said. We all sat down on the couch. Tubbo hugged me and just refused to let go but I didn't mind

I could hear Tommy whispering to Will. "Got something to say?" I asked. He looked scared and shook his head.

Why was I being so mean? I'm not usually like this. I'm just gonna stop talking for a little bit. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Boo." Tubbo whispered, I turned my head in his direction. I was waiting for him to say something. "Hug me." He said wrapping his arms around my neck. I hugged him and he started to play with my hair. I started laughing.

"What are you- AWW!" Wilbur blurted. "Ew! Get a room you two!" "I think Tommy and I are gonna go home." Will said standing up. "Ok." Tubbo and I said. They left but Tubbo wouldn't let me go.

"I love you boo." He said softly. "Love you too bee." I said back.

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