chapter 14.

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Tubbo's pov*

I watched through the window as he left. After a minute or so I walked away, not long after there was a knock on the door so I got off the couch to answer it.

I opened the door and shut it as fast as I opened it. It was my dad, he stopped it as soon as it was about to shut fully and pushed his way in.

I backed away in fear and started to run. He caught me by my shirt and yanked me back. "Let me go you fucking bastard!" I said as I clawed the walls trying to find something to hold onto.

My nails started to peel off some of the wallpaper. He grabbed my waist and threw me out the door. He grabbed me again but twisted his arm enough to where it hurts and back inside locking the door behind me.

I ran upstairs into the bedroom and sat down in the corner trying not to cry. I pulled my knees to my chest jumping at the violent screaming and banging on the door. Tears started streaming down my face as I pleaded for it to stop.

"I want Ranboo.."

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