summer time forth

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Forth of July in Cousins is all about traditions. Susannah decks out the whole house, the dads come up for the weekend, the boys steam clams and shoot off fireworks. All the other Forth of Julys, me and Belly were tagging along. But this year, we have friends. We have plans. "Can I finish your milk?"

"Here." I handed him my bowl laughing as he downs it. "We just had an indirect kiss."

"Hm? Oh, wanna make it direct?"

"Not at the table in front of me please." Belly said also handing him her bowl.

"Yo, I'm gonna go wash the clams. Did you get the liter fluid?"

"Mm, it's already on the beach." I laughed before following Conrad to the beach.

"Hey Connie."


"About yesterday..." He put the clams down before looking at me. "I never did get around to what you were going to tell me."

"Oh that... um, I don't want to ruin today. For anyone."

"Is it about Susannah?" He looked up at me confused.

"You know?"

"I guessed... she's sick isn't she?"

"How... yeah, she is. You can't tell Belly and them."

"Why not?"

"Because... they don't know I know... mom doesn't know I know. Plus Jeremiah is in a good mood since you showed up. I don't want to ruin that."

"You're a good brother, looking out for him."

"Yeah, come on we should go back in."

"Yeah... hey, if you ever need to talk."

"I know, same here Lye." I gave him a side hug which he accepted.

"Speaking of dads, yours called, he's closing a deal, so, he can't come." I looked at Connie as Susannah spoke as we walked through the door.

"Did you say Dad's not coming?"


"But I got fireworks for the show this year."

"We'll take a video."

"It's not the same." I looked at Connie as he smiled, Jere also noticed this. "What are you smiling about?"

"No reason."

"Laurel, will you come help me move the table?"

"Be right there." Connie went upstairs to check on Belly, how cute. I looked at Jere smiling softly.

"Hey, I know this sucks for you."

"I was just expecting to see him, you know?"

"Hm. Hey why don't we do the firework thing? You can teach me. As your future wife I think I need to learn the jest of it."

"Hm, oh you're now accepting I'll be your husband."

"I never rejected the idea, Jere."

"Good point." He played with my hair lightly as a car honked.

"Guess their dad's here. Should we go say hi?"

"No. Come on." He grabbed my hand leading me to the door, I looked at Belly, Steven and Conrad who was already looking through the windows.

"We all think alike."

"Yep." We stayed quite and listened to them.

"You made it."

right in front of you- Jeremiah FIsherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt