Summer time madness.

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Everyone got out the car when we got there, Laurel honking the car before getting out. Jeremiah was the first to run out the house. God does he look handsome. His blue eyes really make him irresistible. He hugged Steven and Laurel first before looking at Belly. "Look who came back all grown up." He picked her up spinning her around shortly before looking at her. His eyes finally catching mine. "Lila." Oh how the name sounds leaving his mouth makes me weak. He walked over and gently picked me up slowly spinning me around. "You look beautiful as always."

"Same to you. Hey... um, this bonfire tonight, are you going?"

"Yeah, yeah totally. You should come."

"Is that an invite?"

"Yeah, yeah it is."

"Then I'll be there." The boys looked at Belly smiling widely. "Guys, guys, I don't mean to interrupt anything but... I think it's time."

"Time for-"

"A Belly flop!" Belly's eyes widen, I smiled at their crazy childish actions. Belly ran like usual but the boys caught her. Conrad has her arms while Jeremiah and Steven had her legs. The counted down before throwing her in, I smiled at the smiles they had s on their faces.

"Hows the water?"

"Guys, I hurt my ankle." Conrad reached out to help her up thinking she was being sincere but, she pulled him in with her, Jeremiah looked at me wrapping me up in his arms.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Looking at you."

"Uh huh, you push me in, I'm taking you with me." I said wrapping my arms around his torso. I gasped as I felt cold water hit my face, Jeremiahs arms pulling me up to the surface.

"Really Steven!"

"Yep." Jeremiah looked at me smiling as Belly and Conrad got out, Steven following them. He got out helping me up.

"Sorry, I didn't know he'd push us."

"It's fine, just glad my phones waterproof." I answered taking my phone out my back pocket. "It was fun."

"It always is with you." He winked before walking inside up to his room. I walked to the kitchen smiling.

"Not you too." Susannah looked at me and gasped.

"Oh my god, what have you done to my Lye."

"I grew up." One thing I love about Susannah she never plays favorites.

"Beautifully, the both of you are gonna own this summer." We both laugh.

"Where's Mr. Fisher?"

"Oh, he's in London. They got him going back and forth. He'll join us later in the summer. For now, it's just the women and the children. Just the way we like it."

"Nice, well I'm gonna go unpack. And change. I'll mop up the water when I'm back down."

"No, no. Don't worry about it."

"You sure? I don't mind."

"No, it's fine." I nodded my head walking up the stairs. I love this house. I walked passed Jeremiahs room smiling.

"I see you." He laughed looking at me smiling softly.

"hi, Lila."

"Did I ever tell you I love that nickname, Jere."

"Yeah you've mentioned it a couple times." He copied my smile walking over to me, playing with my wet hair. "You do look beautiful."

"Thank you." I looked up at him smiling softly, he was so close. If I leaned up we'd kiss. Oh how I've always wondered what he taste like. His lightly placed his hand on my cheek, I sunk into the warmth. "So warm."

right in front of you- Jeremiah FIsherWhere stories live. Discover now